
In: Computer Science

Code in C++ Must show: unit testing ------------------------------------ UsedFurnitureItem Create a class named UsedFurnitureItem to represent...

Code in C++

Must show: unit testing



  1. Create a class named UsedFurnitureItem to represent a used furniture item that the store sells.
  2. Private data members of a UsedFurnitureItem are:
    1. age (double) // age in years – default value for
    2. brandNewPrice (double) // the original price of the item when it was brand new
    3. description (string) // a string description of the item
    4. condition (char) // condition of the item could be A, B, or C.
    5. size (double) // the size of the item in cubic inches.
    6. weight (double) // the weight of the item in pounds.
  3. Private member functions of a UsedFurnitureItem object are
    1. double CalculateCurrentPrice( ): Current price depends on age, brandNewPrice, and condition of the used furniture Item. If the item is in A-condition, the current price will go down by extra 10% of the brandNewPrice for each year of its age until 7 years (e.g., After the first year, and item with a $100 brandNewPrice will cost $90, after 2 years, $ 80, and so on). If the age is greater than 7 years, the price is fixed at 30% of the brandNewPrice. The current price of B-condition items goes down by extra 15 % of the brandNewPrice for each year until the 5th year. After that, the current price is fixed at 20% of the brandNewPrice. Items with C-condition are priced at 10% of the brandNewPrice regardless of age.
    1. double CalculateShippingCost( ): Shipping cost of a UsedFurnitureItem depends on weight, size, and distance. While weight and size are member variables, shipping distance is provided as an additional argument to this function. Shipping rate is 1 cent per mile for items that are smaller than 1000 cubic inches and smaller than 20 pounds. Items with larger size or weight cost 2 cents per mile.
  4. Public member functions of a UsedFurnitureItem
    1. Constructors – default and overloaded [default values: age = 1.0, brandNewPrice = 10.00, description = “Not available”, condition = ‘A’, size = 1.0, weight = 1.0]
    2. Accessors (getters)
    1. Mutators (setters) – You should ensure that invalid (zero or negative) values do not get assigned to age, brandNewPrice, size or weight data members. An invalid character (other than ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’) should not be allowed to be assigned


Test Program:

The test program will test each setter (for objects of both types in a sequence) by calling the setter to set a value and then call the corresponding getter to print out the set value. This test should be done twice on data members that could be set to invalid values (that have numerical or character data type) – once after trying to set invalid values and subsequently, once after setting them to valid values. The data members with string data types (model, description) can be tested just once.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class UsedFurnitureItem
// Declaring instance variables
double age;
double brandNewPrice;
string description;
char condition;
double size;
double weight;

// Zero argumented constructor
this->age = 1.0;
this->brandNewPrice = 10.00;
this->description = "Not available";
this->condition = 'A';
this->size = 1.0;
this->weight = 1.0;

// Parameterized constructor
UsedFurnitureItem(double age, double brandNewPrice, string description, char condition,
double size, double weight)
this->brandNewPrice = 10.00;
this->description = "Not available";
this->condition = 'A';
this->size = 1.0;
this->weight = 1.0;

// This function will calculate the current price
double calculateCurrentPrice()
double decAmt = 0.0;
if (condition == 'A')
decAmt = brandNewPrice * 0.10;

if (age <= 7)
for (int i = 1; i <= age; i++)
brandNewPrice -= decAmt;
else if (age > 7)
for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
brandNewPrice -= decAmt;
else if (condition == 'B')
decAmt = brandNewPrice * 0.15;

if (age <= 5)
for (int i = 1; i <= age; i++)
brandNewPrice -= decAmt;
else if (age > 5)
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
brandNewPrice -= decAmt;
else if (condition == 'C')
decAmt = brandNewPrice * 0.10;

for (int i = 1; i <= age; i++)
if (brandNewPrice - decAmt >= 0)
brandNewPrice -= decAmt;

// This function will calculate the shipping cost
double CalculateShippingCost(int miles)
int cents = 0;
if (size < 1000 || weight < 20)
cents = miles;
else if (size >= 1000 || weight >= 20)
cents = miles * 2;
return (cents / 100.0);

// Setters and getters
double getAge()
return age;
void setAge(double age)
this->age = age;
double getBrandNewPrice()
return brandNewPrice;
void setBrandNewPrice(double brandNewPrice)
this->brandNewPrice = brandNewPrice;
string getDescription()
return description;
void setDescription(string description)
this->description = description;
char getCondition()
return condition;
void setCondition(char condition)
this->condition = condition;
double getSize()
return size;
void setSize(double size)
this->size = size;
double getWeight()
return weight;
void setWeight(double weight)
this->weight = weight;
int main()
       //setting the precision to two decimal places
   std::cout << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed;
// Creating an instance of UsedFurnitureItem class
UsedFurnitureItem ufi;

// Calling the setters on the UsedFurnitureItem instance
ufi.setDescription("Sofa Set");

// Calling the getters on the UsedFurnitureItem instance
cout << "Description :" << ufi.getDescription() << endl;
cout << "Age :" << ufi.getAge() << endl;
cout << "Brand New Price :$" << ufi.getBrandNewPrice() << endl;
cout << "Condition :" << ufi.getCondition() << endl;
cout << "Size :" << ufi.getSize() << " cubic Inches." << endl;
cout << "Weight " << ufi.getWeight() << " pounds" << endl;

cout << "\nCurrent Price :$" << ufi.calculateCurrentPrice() << endl;
cout << "Shipping Cost :$" << ufi.CalculateShippingCost(1500) << endl;

return 0;





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