
In: Computer Science

Program Description Write and test a MASM program to perform the following tasks: Display your name...

Program Description

Write and test a MASM program to perform the following tasks:

  1. Display your name and program title on the output screen.
  2. Display instructions for the user.
  3. Prompt the user to enter three numbers (A, B, C) in descending order.
  4. Calculate and display the sum and differences: (A+B, A-B, A+C, A-C, B+C, B-C, A+B+C).
  5. Display a closing message.

Program Requirements

  1. The program must be fully documented and laid out according to the CS271 Style Guide. This includes a complete header block for identification, description, etc., and a comment outline to explain each section of code.
  2. The main procedure must be divided into logical sections:
    1. introduction
    2. get the data
    3. calculate the required values
    4. display the results
    5. say goodbye
  3. The results of calculations must be stored in named variables before being displayed.


Expert Solution

Program Screenshot:

Sample output1:

Sample output2:

Code to copy:

; include the irvine library

;Data section declare all the variables
   myName BYTE   "Mila Chung ", 0
   programTitle BYTE   "Programming Assignment #1", 0
   instructions BYTE   "Enter 2 numbers, and I'll show you the sum, difference, product, quotient, and remainder.", 0
   askNum1   BYTE   "First Number: ", 0
   askNum2   BYTE   "Second Number: ", 0
   number1   DWORD   ?   ; integer entered by user
   number2 DWORD   ?   ; second integer entered by user.
   goodByeMessage BYTE   "Impressed? Bye!",0
   equalsString BYTE   " = ", 0
   sum   DWORD   ?
   sumString   BYTE   " + ",0
   difference   DWORD   ?
   differenceString   BYTE   " - ",0
   product DWORD   ?
   productString BYTE   " * ",0
   quotient   DWORD   ?
   quotientString BYTE   " / ",0
   remainder   DWORD   ?
   remainderString BYTE   " remainder ",0
   errorMessage BYTE   "The second number must be less than the first!", 0

;main procedure
main PROC
   ;print the name
   mov   edx, OFFSET myName
   call WriteString

   ;print the program title
   mov edx, OFFSET programTitle
   call WriteString
   call CrLf

   ;print the instructions
   mov edx, OFFSET instructions
   call   WriteString
   call   CrLf
   call   CrLf

   ;prompt the user to enter first number
   mov edx, OFFSET askNum1
   call WriteString
   ;read the first number
   call ReadInt
   mov number1, eax
   call CrLf

   ;prompt the user to enter second number
   mov edx, OFFSET askNum2
   call WriteString
   ;read the second number
   call ReadInt
   call CrLf
   mov number2, eax
   mov eax, number2
   ;compare the number
   ;if the second number is grater than first number
   ;then jump to Error loop else jump to Calculate
   cmp eax, number1
   jg Error
   jle Calculate

   ;print the error message
   mov edx, OFFSET errorMessage
   call WriteString
   call CrLf
   ;jump to endProgram
   jg endProgram

   ;move the values of number1 and number2
   ;into eax
   mov eax, number1
   add eax, number2
   mov   sum, eax

   ; find the difference
   mov eax, number1
   sub eax, number2
   mov difference, eax

   ; find the product
   mov eax, number1
   mov ebx, number2
   mul ebx
   mov product, eax

   ; find the quotient
   mov edx, 0
   mov eax, number1
   mov ebx, number2
   div ebx
   mov quotient, eax
   mov remainder, edx

   ; print the sum Results
   mov eax, number1
   call WriteDec
   mov edx, OFFSET sumString
   call WriteString
   mov eax, number2
   call WriteDec
   mov edx, OFFSET equalsString
   call WriteString
   mov eax, sum
   call WriteDec
   call CrLf

   ;print the difference results
   mov eax, number1
   call WriteDec
   mov edx, OFFSET differenceString
   call WriteString
   mov eax, number2
   call WriteDec
   mov edx, OFFSET equalsString
   call WriteString
   mov eax, difference
   call WriteDec
   call CrLf

   ;print the product results
   mov eax, number1
   call WriteDec
   mov edx, OFFSET productString
   call WriteString
   mov eax, number2
   call WriteDec
   mov edx, OFFSET equalsString
   call WriteString
   mov eax, product
   call WriteDec
   call CrLf

   ;print the quotient results
   mov eax, number1
   call WriteDec
   mov edx, OFFSET quotientString
   call WriteString
   mov eax, number2
   call WriteDec
   mov edx, OFFSET equalsString
   call WriteString
   mov eax, quotient
   call WriteDec
   mov edx, OFFSET remainderString
   call WriteString
   mov eax, remainder
   call WriteDec
   call CrLf
   ; prin the Goodbye
   call CrLf
   mov edx, OFFSET goodByeMessage
   call WriteString
   call CrLf

main ENDP
END main


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