
In: Economics

1. You have just been elected president of the United States, and the present Chair of...

1. You have just been elected president of the United States, and the present Chair of the Federal Reserve Board has resigned. You need to appoint a new person to this position, as well as a person to chair your Council of Economic Advisers. Using your knowledge of macroeconomics, identify the personal characteristics and the views on macro theory and policy you would want your appointees to have and implement.   Remember, the economic health of the entire nation and solution to keeping the economy growing will be impacted by this decision.

2. As you know, during the Great Recession, the Fed proposed a number of "bail out" measures to address the “great recession”. Indicate why or why not you would recommend that your new appointee use similar measures if this situation arises again. Should the Fed have a bond-buying program? Identify any new policies that you would like your candidate to follow.


Expert Solution

So as to pick a right executive for the Federal Reserve Board it is expected to discover somebody who knows how to economy functions or somebody who comprehends the results of organizations exploiting underdeveloped nations for work, or maybe of organizations who consume the market. Somebody who comprehends the present deficiency and is happy to take care of business is the ideal individual for director for the Federal Reserve Board. They would should be devoted to their obligations and exceptionally experienced on the subject of macroeconomics. Any other person would essentially not have the option to run the Federal Reserve Board. This is an essential position which must be taken with incredible reality. They perspectives ought to be that of a reasonable focused market. Not a market in which a couple hoard the business. They likewise need to put stock in allowing others to fire up their organizations just as private ventures make up a significant piece of this nation also. They should be committed for saving the eventual fate of this nation and want to improve its monetary standing. The administrator for Council of Economic Advisers would likewise need to have indistinguishable perspectives and goals from well. The two of them would need to comprehend the very significance of their jobs and what a major part it would play in controlling the economy. The counsel would should be an assume responsibility individual and believe in their choices also. They would should be a pioneer not a devotee. Their principle objective ought to be to fix the market and not their ledger balance, a really well meaning individual is an absolute necessity. No, the past strategies ought not be pursued. They have prompted only more noteworthy financial disturbance, higher charges, and more prominent acquiring from different nations. The new applicant must change these approaches. They should make new approaches which help finance independent ventures and new imaginative thoughts. Here and there all individuals need is only a little lift to genuinely understand their fantasies and a little help from the governmentnever hurt anybody They ought to likewise attempt to cut charges however much as could reasonably be expected so way the market has at any rate an approach to recoup rather thanjustputting a transitory swathe on the injury. They ought to make strategies which keeps us from getting from different nations and brings back the workforce to America not different nations. Our primary objective ought to be to fix this nation and not obtain more cash which just exacerbates the issue. In short we ought to act naturally supporting and those ought to be the recently established goals the new applicant ought to order in the recently established strategies to all the more likely help fix the nation.

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