In: Computer Science
Modified from Chapter 07 Programming Exercise 5
Original Exercise:
Rock, Paper, Scissors Modification
Programming Exercise 11 in Chapter 6 asked you to design a program
that plays the Rock, Paper, Scissors game. In the program, the user
enters one of the three strings—"rock", "paper", or "scissors"—at
the keyboard. Add input validation (with a case-insensitive
comparison) to make sure the user enters one of those strings
Turn IN:
Raptor flowchart file (or alternative flowchart
If you are on Windows
please try using the built-in "Snip & Sketch" program to take a
perfectly sized screenshot.
Thonny Python file (or Python file is written in any
Turn in the actual
Python code file ""
import random #import random for pc_choice
pc_choice_list = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] #choices with computer
check = False #variable to check whether q has been pressed or not
while check == False:
# loop will run until q is pressed
pc_choice = random.choice(pc_choice_list) # randomly pc selecting its choice from the availabe options
print("Let's Play Rock, Paper, Scissors")
player = input("Input your choice: r,p, or s:") #taking input
player=player.lower() #making the input string lowercase
if player=="r":
# if r is entered by player then making it rock to compare it easily with pc_choice
if player=="p":
# if p is entered by player then making it paper to compare it easily with pc_choice
if player=="s":
# if s is entered by player then making it scissors to compare it easily with pc_choice
if player == pc_choice:
elif player == "rock":
if pc_choice == "Paper":
print("Lose!! paper beats rock")
print("You win!! rock beats scissors")
elif player == "paper":
if pc_choice == "scissors":
print("Lose!! Scissors beats Paper")
print("You win!! Paper beats Rock")
elif player == "scissors":
if pc_choice == "rock":
print("Lose!! Rock beats Scissors")
print("You win!! Scissors beats Paper")
elif player=="q":
print("Game Over")
#if player enters q then check is true and condition in while loop becomes false so loop breaks
print("That's not a valid play. Check your spelling!")
#if not a valid string.
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