
In: Computer Science

Modified from Chapter 07 Programming Exercise 5 Original Exercise: Rock, Paper, Scissors Modification Programming Exercise 11...

Modified from Chapter 07 Programming Exercise 5

Original Exercise:

Rock, Paper, Scissors Modification
Programming Exercise 11 in Chapter 6 asked you to design a program that plays the Rock, Paper, Scissors game. In the program, the user enters one of the three strings—"rock", "paper", or "scissors"—at the keyboard. Add input validation (with a case-insensitive comparison) to make sure the user enters one of those strings only.


  • Allow the user to input "r", "p", "s" or the full strings "Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"
    • Allow the user to input upper or lowercase
    • try the following:
      • input = input.lower()
  • Refer to the following code to help generate a random computer player action
    • import random
      pc_choice_list = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]
      pc_choice = random.choice(pc_choice_list)
  • Allow the player to input a "q" for their turn if they want to quit the game
  • Use loops not only to validate the input but also to keep the game running as long as the player does not input a "q" on their turn
  • Example outputs
    • Rock beats Scissors
    • Paper beats Rock
    • Scissors beats Paper
    • Tie
    • Game Over
    • Let's Play Rock, Paper, Scissors
      Input your choice: r,p, or s

Turn IN:

Raptor flowchart file (or alternative flowchart screenshot)
        If you are on Windows please try using the built-in "Snip & Sketch" program to take a perfectly sized screenshot.
Thonny Python file (or Python file is written in any IDE/program)
        Turn in the actual Python code file ""


Expert Solution

import random #import random for pc_choice

pc_choice_list = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] #choices with computer

check = False #variable to check whether q has been pressed or not

while check == False:
    # loop will run until q is pressed
    pc_choice = random.choice(pc_choice_list) # randomly pc selecting its choice from the availabe options
    print("Let's Play Rock, Paper, Scissors")
    player = input("Input your choice: r,p, or s:")  #taking input
    player=player.lower() #making the input string lowercase 
    if player=="r":
        # if r is entered by player then making it rock to compare it easily with pc_choice
    if player=="p":
        # if p is entered by player then making it paper to compare it easily with pc_choice
    if player=="s":
        # if s is entered by player then making it scissors to compare it easily with pc_choice
    if player == pc_choice:
    elif player == "rock":
        if pc_choice == "Paper":
            print("Lose!! paper beats rock")
            print("You win!! rock beats scissors")
    elif player == "paper":
        if pc_choice == "scissors":
            print("Lose!! Scissors beats Paper")
            print("You win!! Paper beats Rock")
    elif player == "scissors":
        if pc_choice == "rock":
            print("Lose!! Rock beats Scissors")
            print("You win!! Scissors beats Paper")
    elif player=="q":
        print("Game Over")
        #if player enters q then check is true and condition in while loop becomes false so loop breaks
        print("That's not a valid play. Check your spelling!")
        #if not a valid string.

If you need any files or have any problem comment below.

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