
In: Nursing

Case Scenario: A five year old presents with high temperature (> 101), oxygen saturation of 78%,...

Case Scenario: A five year old presents with high temperature (> 101), oxygen saturation of 78%, and breathing that is labored. His breathing could be heard throughout the ER. The mother states he has had a cold with some mucus in his lungs but has had few problems. The family has been sick with colds. The physical history of this patient shows a well-nourished, functioning child with no history of pulmonary issues. He has had some allergies that have been controlled with over the counter antihistamines. The child appears scared and mom is very worried.

  1. Question: The doctor orders a chest x-ray and consult of an EENT. Why? Support your answer using specific facts, data, examples, and other information drawn from the textbook and at least one other supplemental source.


Expert Solution

The doctor ordered a chest Xray to know whether there is any fibrosis in lungs or haziness. Because the doctor may think that it is a pulmonary infection, probably even having the symptoms of Covid 19.Since in US, the Covid has become so virulent, so it not non-obvious to consider it to be a Covid case. The whole family was suffering from cold. The child is having deveri which is high(>101) and sp02 of 78% which is an emergency condition. An Sp02 of 92-95% should always be maintained. Breathing problem is also persisting. So, he ordered a CXR to confirm this.

His decision of consulting an EENT specialist is also correct. Because there can be a problem of laryngeal infection which resulted in obstruction of airway and fever fue to infectio. So, he wants to rule out that part also.

In USA, 94Lakhs people are affected till date affected from covid. That means 1 in every 34 US residents are affected from Covid which is quite vulnerable.

Moreover as per symptoms acknowledgement regarding Covid, as per different data and WHO suggestions, the child has all the symptoms i.e. cough, fever and breathing issues.

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