
In: Computer Science

JAVA Generic versions of allOf() and anyOf() In this lab, you will write generic versions of...

JAVA Generic versions of allOf() and anyOf()

In this lab, you will write generic versions of the allOf() and anyOf() methods you wrote in an earlier lab. Then you will take those generic versions and create versions that work with a predicate rather than direct comparison of values.

Part 1 - Create generic versions of allOf() and anyOf()

Recall that the integer-only versions of allOf() and anyOf() looked like this:

    // Returns true if any element of 'a' is equal to 'val'
    // and false otherwise.
    public static boolean anyOf(int[] a, int val) {
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
            if (a[i] == val)
                return true;
        return false;

    // Returns true if every element of 'a' is equal to 'val'
    // and false otherwise.
    public static boolean allOf(int[] a, int val) {
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
            if (a[i] != val)
                return false;
        return true;

You will need to make the necessary transformations to make this work with arrays of any generic type. If you're stuck, I've provided an integer-only implementation of IntArrayUtils.find() and a generic version in ArrayUtils.find() with this lab. Look at the transformations done to create the generic version of find(); you'll need to make those same transformations to anyOf() and allOf(), using the versions above as starting points.

The tests V1 through V14 in the test program provided with the lab ( will test your code for Part 1. If your code passes all but tests V13 and V14, you've made a very common error that you need to correct.

It will be best if you ensure that your code passes the first 3 graded tests before moving on. Even though you can't see the test code, the test numbers from the zyBooks tests correspond with the ones in

NOTE: When working in Develop mode, you'll need to at least create dummy stubs for the methods in Part 2.

Part 2 - Predicate versions of allOf() and anyOf()

For the second part of the assignment, you'll create versions of allOf() and anyOf() that use a Predicate object. allOf() should return true if the predicate returns true for every element of the array, and false otherwise. anyOf() should return true if the predicate returns true for any element of the array, and false otherwise.

If you're stuck, check the implementations of ArrayUtils.find() provided with the lab. The differences between those two versions (one that checks for equality and one that uses a predicate) should give you some idea of the necessary changes needed to create your predicate versions of anyOf() and allOf().

The tests P1 through P12 in the test program provided with the lab ( will test your code for Part 2. Even though you can't see the test code, the test numbers from the zyBooks tests correspond with the ones in

import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class ArrayUtils {

// Your new versions of anyOf() and allOf() go here.




// The versions of the find() algorithm provided below
// should help you determine the changes you need to make
// to your code to create the new versions of anyOf()
// and all().

   // Returns the index of the first element of 'a' that
   // is equal to 'val'. Returns -1 if no element matches.
   public static <T> int find(T[] a, T val) {
       for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
           if (a[i].equals(val))
               return i;
       return -1;

   // Returns the index of the first element of 'a' for
   // which the given predicate returns true. Returns
   // -1 if the predicate is false for all elements.
   public static <T> int find(T[] a, Predicate<T> pred) {
       for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
           if (pred.test(a[i]))
               return i;
       return -1;


import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class TestArrayUtils {

   private static void testValues() {

       Integer[] iaDiff = { 62, 63, 30, 63, 29, 9, 57, 72, 33, 87 };
       Integer[] iaSame = { 42, 42, 42 };
       if (!ArrayUtils.anyOf(iaDiff, 62)) System.out.println("Test V1 failed");
       if (!ArrayUtils.anyOf(iaDiff, 87)) System.out.println("Test V2 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.anyOf(iaDiff, 42)) System.out.println("Test V3 failed");
       if (!ArrayUtils.allOf(iaSame, 42)) System.out.println("Test V4 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.allOf(iaSame, 24)) System.out.println("Test V5 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.allOf(iaDiff, 30)) System.out.println("Test V6 failed");

       String[] saDiff = { "SixtyTwo", "Thirty", "TwentyNine", "FiftySeven", "ThirtyThree" };
       String[] saSame = { "FortyTwo", "FortyTwo", "FortyTwo" };
       if (!ArrayUtils.anyOf(saDiff, "SixtyTwo")) System.out.println("Test V7 failed");
       if (!ArrayUtils.anyOf(saDiff, "ThirtyThree")) System.out.println("Test V8 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.anyOf(saDiff, "FortyTwo")) System.out.println("Test V9 failed");
       if (!ArrayUtils.allOf(saSame, "FortyTwo")) System.out.println("Test V10 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.allOf(saSame, "TwentyFour")) System.out.println("Test V11 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.allOf(saDiff, "Thirty")) System.out.println("Test V12 failed");

       // If these are the only tests that fails, you made a really common mistake!
       if (!ArrayUtils.anyOf(saDiff, StringUtils.concat("Sixty", "Two"))) System.out.println("Test V13 failed");
       if (!ArrayUtils.allOf(saSame, StringUtils.concat("Forty", "Two"))) System.out.println("Test V14 failed");

   private static void testPredicates() {
       Integer[] ia = { 62, 63, 30, 63, 29, 9, 57, 72, 33, 87 };

       Predicate<Integer> gt0 = new GreaterThanN(0);
       Predicate<Integer> gt50 = new GreaterThanN(50);
       Predicate<Integer> gt100 = new GreaterThanN(100);
       if (!ArrayUtils.anyOf(ia, gt0 )) System.out.println("Test P1 failed");
       if (!ArrayUtils.anyOf(ia, gt50)) System.out.println("Test P2 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.anyOf(ia, gt100)) System.out.println("Test P3 failed");
       if (!ArrayUtils.allOf(ia, gt0 )) System.out.println("Test P4 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.allOf(ia, gt50)) System.out.println("Test P5 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.allOf(ia, gt100)) System.out.println("Test P6 failed");
       String[] dw = { "Bashful", "Doc", "Dopey", "Grumpy", "Happy", "Sleepy", "Sneezy" };
       String[] nm = { "Don", "Donna", "Dolly", "Dolores", "Dominic", "Doria" };

       Predicate<String> swDo = new StartsWith("Do");
       Predicate<String> swS = new StartsWith("S");
       Predicate<String> swX = new StartsWith("X");
       if (!ArrayUtils.anyOf(dw, swDo)) System.out.println("Test P7 failed");
       if (!ArrayUtils.anyOf(dw, swS)) System.out.println("Test P8 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.anyOf(dw, swX)) System.out.println("Test P9 failed");
       if (!ArrayUtils.allOf(nm, swDo)) System.out.println("Test P10 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.allOf(nm, swS)) System.out.println("Test P11 failed");
       if ( ArrayUtils.allOf(nm, swX)) System.out.println("Test P12 failed");

   public static void main(String[] args) {



import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class GreaterThanN implements Predicate<Integer> {

   private int n;

   public GreaterThanN(int n) {
       this.n = n;
   public boolean test(Integer val) {
       return val > n;


import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class StartsWith implements Predicate<String> {
   public String s;
   public StartsWith(String s) {
       this.s = s;

   public boolean test(String t) {
       return t.startsWith(s);

// This is provided for reference only. It isn't really needed
// for the assignment itself.

public class IntArrayUtils {

   // Returns the index of the first element of 'a' that
   // is equal to 'val'. Returns -1 if no element matches.
   public static int find(int[] a, int val) {
       for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
           if (a[i] == val)
               return i;
       return -1;

   // Returns true if any element of 'a' is equal to 'val'
   // and false otherwise.
   public static boolean anyOf(int[] a, int val) {
       for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
           if (a[i] == val)
               return true;
       return false;

   // Returns true if every element of 'a' is equal to 'val'
   // and false otherwise.
   public static boolean allOf(int[] a, int val) {
       for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
           if (a[i] != val)
               return false;
       return true;

public class StringUtils {

   // Concatentate two String objects.
   // This is a sneaky of breaking code that compares String
   // objects using == instead of .equals().
   public static String concat(String s1, String s2) {
       return s1 + s2;


Expert Solution


As the modifications in the code were done only in the, I am including the code that exists in that file.

import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class ArrayUtils


// Returns true if any element of 'a' is equal to 'val'

// and false otherwise.

public static <T> boolean anyOf(T[] a, T val)


for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)


// If the a[i] is of type String, then we use equals method, else we use the equals to operator

if (a[i] instanceof String)


if (a[i].equals(val))


return true;





if (a[i] == val)


return true;




return false;


public static <T> boolean anyOf(T[] a, Predicate<T> pred)


for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)


if (pred.test(a[i]))


return true;



return false;


// Returns true if every element of 'a' is equal to 'val'

// and false otherwise.

public static <T> boolean allOf(T[] a, T val)


for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)


// If the a[i] is of type String, then we use equals method, else we use the not equals to operator

if (a[i] instanceof String)


if (!(a[i].equals(val)))


return false;





if (a[i] != val)


return false;




return true;


public static <T> boolean allOf(T[] a, Predicate<T> pred)


for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)


if (!(pred.test(a[i])))


return false;



return true;


// The versions of the find() algorithm provided below

// should help you determine the changes you need to make

// to your code to create the new versions of anyOf()

// and all().

// Returns the index of the first element of 'a' that

// is equal to 'val'. Returns -1 if no element matches.

public static <T> int find(T[] a, T val)


for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)

if (a[i].equals(val))

return i;

return -1;


// Returns the index of the first element of 'a' for

// which the given predicate returns true. Returns

// -1 if the predicate is false for all elements.

public static <T> int find(T[] a, Predicate<T> pred)


for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)

if (pred.test(a[i]))

return i;

return -1;



There is no output attached because after compiling and running all the java files, no output is printed onto the screen and if anything is printed on the screen, it is because one or more of the tests failed.

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