
In: Operations Management

What is the MSE, MAPE, and CFE using additive seasonal forecasting? hipments Fasteners Forecasted trend of...

What is the MSE, MAPE, and CFE using additive seasonal forecasting?

hipments Fasteners Forecasted trend of fasteners
17-Jan 335798 335798
17-Feb 297853 297853
17-Mar 318399 319454.75
17-Apr 311730 322836.875
17-May 363876 320098.5
17-Jun 296832 318664.5
17-Jul 297513 314066.375
17-Aug 321144 311873.375
17-Sep 317677 312383.25
17-Oct 325487 303703.5
17-Nov 272937 300316
17-Dec 276282 300664.625
18-Jan 335439 315645.125
18-Feb 310514 342483.125
18-Mar 407754 353704.375
18-Apr 356169 357625.125
18-May 345322 352223.625
18-Jun 331997 343400.25
18-Jul 343059 332649.125
18-Aug 350277 329801.375
18-Sep 265205 332895.125
18-Oct 389332 323591
18-Nov 310474 323797.8125
18-Dec 308429


Expert Solution


Formulas used is as under:



Forecasted trend of fasteners




Running Sales Forecast Error (RSFE) or CFE (Cumulative Forecast Error)

Absolute Error


% Error



et = At-Ft

CFE (Sum of all Error)




At is Demand

Ft is Forecast

et = At-Ft is Error or Bias

|et| is Absolute Error

|et|2 is Square of Absolute Error

MSE = Average of |et|2

MAPE = Average of |At-Ft|/At

CFE = Cumulative Forecast Error = RSFE Running Sales Forecast Error = Sum of all Error

Data of 18-Dec is not considered in calculation as only the value of “Fastners” is mentioned and not its Forecasted trend of fasteners

Based in the formulas, following is the calculation:

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