
In: Psychology

. What are common factors across psychotherapies? What psychotherapies are typically used for what disorders

. What are common factors across psychotherapies? What psychotherapies are typically used for what disorders


Expert Solution

  • There is broad consensus that the therapeutic alliance constitutes a core common factor for all modalities of psychotherapy.Examples of common factors that are shared by all psychotherapy modalities are “hope instilled in the patient,” the “cognitive restructuring” of the patient's belief system, the patient's “corrective emotional experience,” and patient and therapist establishing a trusting, cooperative relationship, namely a “therapeutic alliance.”
  • Empathy is another common factor, a complex process by which an individual can be affected by and share the emotional state of another, assess the reasons for another’s state, and identify with the other by adopting his or her perspective, is thought to be necessary for the cooperation, goal sharing, and regulation of social interaction.
  • Therapist effects are said to exist if some therapists consistently achieve better outcomes with their patients than other therapists, regardless of the nature of the patients or the treatment delivered.
  • Alliance also involves informed consent and confidentiality of the patients or clients,which is another common factor factor across all therapies.
  • Psychodynamic therapy is based on the assumption that a person is having emotional problems because of unresolved, generally unconscious conflicts, often stemming from childhood. The goal of this type of therapy is for the patient to understand and cope better with these feelings by talking about the experiences.
  • Interpersonal therapy focuses on the behaviors and interactions a patient has with family and friends. The primary goal of this therapy is to improve communication skills and increase self-esteem during a short period of time. It usually lasts three to four months and works well for depression caused by mourning, relationship conflicts, major life events, and social isolation.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy is recommended for patients who think and behave in ways that trigger and perpetuate mental illness and who suffer from depression and/or anxiety disorders as the only treatment or, depending on the severity, in addition to treatment with antidepressant medication.
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy used for high-risk, tough-to-treat patients. The term "dialectical" comes from the idea that bringing together two opposites in therapy -- acceptance and change -- brings better results than either one alone.DBT was initially designed to treat people with suicidal behavior and borderline personality disorder.

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