
In: Operations Management

Search the Internet for services that provide access to business angels or informal investors. How do...

Search the Internet for services that provide access to business angels or informal investors. How do these sites work? If you were an entrepreneur looking for funding, how much would it cost to use this service? How many business angels are registered on the typical database? How many entrepreneurs are registered on the typical database? How effective do you believe these services are? (Use data where possible to back up your answer.)


Expert Solution

Angel investor is a person who invests in a business. The investor can be known or unknown to the business.

Many internet websites are dedicated to initiate a collaboration between an angel investor and business. One of the example is . In such sites, a platform is created where a list of angel investors is maintained. The business needs to share its proposal and then the interested investors contact the business. This is how funding and operations are done on these sites. Based on the pitch acceptance, the company needs to pay a fee to the site.

A dedicated network has more than 2500 angel investors registered on it. The success rate of the above mentioned site is more than 30%, based on the survey conducted by EY. These platforms are quite effective and collaborative as a network is established of the business and the angel investors. Many investors can check the proposal and accordingly show their interest. This type of investment is easy and quick.

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