
In: Computer Science

Write code in MIPS ,read tow number from the user that do the following: 1- multiply...

Write code in MIPS ,read tow number from the user that do the following:

1- multiply

2- Dividing

3- sum

4- average

5- minimum

6- maximum

7- print message to thank the user for using my program


Expert Solution



prompt: .asciiz "\nSelect the operation: \n1. X x Y\n2. X / Y\n3. X + Y\n4. AVERAGE\n5. MINIMUM\n6. MAXIMUM\n7. EXIT\n"
prompt1: .asciiz "Enter first number X\n "
prompt2: .asciiz "Enter second number Y\n "
out: .asciiz "Result= "
thank: .asciiz "Thank You!!"
   la $a0,prompt
   li $v0,4
   li $v0,5
   move $t0,$v0   #save the value to t0
   beq $t0,7,exit   #if the option is 7,then exit from the program
   la $a0,prompt1
   li $v0,4
   #READ X
   li $v0,5
   move $t1,$v0   #save X to t1
   la $a0,prompt2
   li $v0,4
   #READ Y
   li $v0,5
   move $t2,$v0   #save Y to t2
   beq $t0,1,mmul   #if the option is 1 then do multiplication
   beq $t0,2,ddiv   #if the option is 2 then do division
   beq $t0,3,ssum   #if the option is 2 then do addition
   beq $t0,4,aav   #if the option is 4 then calculate average
   beq $t0,5,min   #if the option is 5 then find minimum
   beq $t0,6,max   #if the option is 6 then find maximum
   j main       #repeat the loop
mmul:   mul $t3,$t1,$t2   #if the option is 1 then do mul operation
   j display   #goto display
ddiv:   div $t3,$t1,$t2   #if the option is 2 then go division operation
   j display   #goto display
ssum:   add $t3,$t1,$t2   #if the option is 3 then do addition
   j display   #goto display
aav:   add $t3,$t1,$t2   #if the option is 4 then do avearge
   div $t3,$t3,2   #average
   j display   #goto display
min:   bgtu $t1,$t2,else   #if the option is 5 then do the addition
   move $t3,$t1   #copy the minimum to t3
   j display
else:   move $t3,$t2   #copy the minimum to t3
   j display   #goto display
max:   bltu $t1,$t2,elsem   #if the option is 5 then do the addition
   move $t3,$t1   #copy the maximum to t3
   j display
elsem:   move $t3,$t2   #copy the maximum to t3
display:la $a0,out
   li $v0,4
   li $v0,1
   move $a0,$t3   #loading the answer from t3 to a0 for display
   j main       #repeat
exit:   la $a0,thank
   li $v0,4
   li $v0,10  

Output screenshot:

Hope this helps

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