
In: Computer Science

write a script in ruby to automate user account creation in Linux using a CSV file....

write a script in ruby to automate user account creation in Linux using a CSV file. Username is a combination of first initial last initial of the first name and last name in the last name followed by the first initial last initial(Ex. Sam Smith = smithsm). If two or more employees had the same first and last name appends a number to the end of the username. After accounts are created write the first and last names along with their username to a CSV file

CSV Example:

first_name last_name

Bob Key

Jeff Scolding

Peter Van't Blob

Sam Smith

Sam Smith


Expert Solution


require 'csv'"input.csv")


arr.each_with_index do |item, index|


    if index != 0 then # skip first row as it is heading of column

        # puts arr[index][0]

        outputArr[0].push( arr[index][0]) # firstname

        outputArr[1].push( arr[index][1]) # lastname

        initial_char=arr[index][0][0] # get last name from arr

        last_char=arr[index][0][arr[index][0].length-1] # get first name last char


        username=arr[index][1]+initial_char+last_char # join last name and first name initial char and firstname last char

        if outputArr[2].include? username then # if username already exists

            username=username+index.to_s # append index number converted to string to username


        username=username.downcase #  cnvert username to lowercase

        outputArr[2].push( username)




for i in 0..outputArr[0].length()-1 # loop to convert rows to columns


    for j in 0..outputArr.length()-1






puts "csvArr array writen to output.csv successfully"


> ruby parseCsv.rb
csvArr array writen to output.csv successfully



Both csv files will be in same folder where .rb file is kept

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