
In: Psychology

1. Does it deviate from culture norms for what is acceptable? 2. Is it maladaptive? 3....

1. Does it deviate from culture norms for what is acceptable? 2. Is it maladaptive? 3. Does it cause the individual personal distress or threaten other people? 4. Does it cause discomfort and concern to others? Base on the above criteria, If you think the individual has a disorder, provide a specific possible diagnosis (example, major depressive disorder) . Be sure to explain why you think that is the correct diagnosis. if you think the individual does not have a disorder, explain why you think that is the case.

1. Aron is a 30-years - old male who is impulsive and irresponsible but very personable fast-talking . He has shown this pattern since childhood. Currently he travels around the country wooing single older women, promising to marry them, and conning them out their life savings. He shows little concern for these women and can't imagine how much he has hurt them.

2. Sabi is 34 years old female who reports that she has periods of time where she cannot remember what she has done. She reports that after one such period she received a telephone a call from a man who claimed to have met her in a bar where she was " the life of the party" She also told the man her name was Edna . Sabi thinks this is odd because she does not drink and she is a rather shy retiring person. However, the man had her correct phone number and was able to give a good description of her .


Expert Solution

1.Yes it deviate from culture norms ,some of these personality charecteristics disturb other people.It causes individual personal distress ,but due to this condition more problems for the society.It is a maladaptive behaviour .

From the given charecteristics ,the disease condition is belongs to personality disorder ,specifically the Antisocial personality and psychopathy.

In the first case study 30 year old Aron suffering from antisocial personality .

DSM -IV -TR defines anti social personality as a pervasive pattern of disregard for ,and violation of ,the rights of others occuring from the age of 15 years.Its chore charecteristics include ,

Conning others for personal profit or pleasure

Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.

Reckless disregard for the safety of others or others.

Consistent irresponsibility ,repeated failure to sustain work or honour financial obligations.

Lack of remorse for others.

People with antisocial behaviour have been described as having a developmental delay in moral maturity and cognitive functions .They lack problem solving skills and tend to act impulsively with little consideration of long term consequences .They often belief they can do exactly what they want and that other people are there to be exploited for their benefits.

Aron have most of the symptoms explained in antisocial behaviour.

2.In second case ,Sabi is suffering from Borderline personality disorder.

This condition is also deviate from social norms .It is a maladaptive .

DSM -IV-TR defines borderline personality disorder as a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationship ,self image ,and affect ,and marked impulsivity .It begins in early childhood and its key charecteristics include five of the following.

Frantic effort to avoid real or imagined abandment .

A pattern of unstable and intense personal relationships charecterised by alternating between idealisation and devaluation .

Identity disturbances ,markedly and persistently unstable self image.

Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self damaging (such as substance abuse ,reckless driving )

Transient stress related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms .

Sabi experienced the few of the symptoms so that I conclude sabi experience from borderline disorder.

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