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Role of information technology to communicate effectively in modern business.


Expert Solution

Information technology is a vital and integral part of the every organization.It is a technology used to analyse the data and help to make the decision for your your business.Information technology also provide some technical tools.which help to solve some complex problems and plan the company's future growth.In the modern business,Information technology play vital role to communicate between the employee, suppliers and the customer.Some of the Information technology tools used communicate :

  • E-mail
  • Inventory management system
  • Data management system
  • Customer relationship management
  • Management information system.....etc

Information technology help the business to improve there performance as well as overall effectiveness of the product,system and services.In the Modern business managers use the email live chat system tools to communicate with the employees and the overseas projects.Information technology not only use to communicate in the workplace.but it also with the customers.Business manager used the customer relationship system to design and mange the relation with the customers.

Some of the important role of Information technology to communicate in the business :

  1. Decision making- Information technology help in the decision making.when the manager use the various IT tools and discuss With the employees help to take quick decision.
  2. Resource management - It is also a part of the Information technology.where manager and employee come together and discuss that how they can manage all the resources of the organization.
  3. Marketing and business growth - Marketing is only done when the business and customer come together.So, by the help of customer relationship tool.Manager can effectively communicate With there customer.which will help in the business growth.
  4. Management information system - Storing of data is only benefit.when the data is used effectively.MIS system help the company to track the sales data, expenses and productivity level.Managers can track the daily sales data.which will help them to better communicate with there subordinates and the employees to take a further decision

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