
In: Computer Science

On your part time job at a gym, you notice that there are a lot of...

On your part time job at a gym, you notice that there are a lot of issues with member’s data. The number one pain area is duplicate and often triplicate records for same member. The owners see no issue with this and are reluctant to ‘cleanse’ the data. Advise them on what could be the consequence of not doing so.


Expert Solution

Given that,

  • The method of identifying mistaken or immoral data from a database is data cleaning. The technique is primarily used in databases where it detects an incomplete, unresolved, inaccurate or meaningless portion of the data and then alters, removes or deletes it. While the gym is considered, the 'pain area' will duplicate or often triplicate member data. let, if a member has 3 pain areas, then without any cleaning or arrangements we need to keep 3 data of the same member. This will increase the data size and will also duplicate the same data or information. So it is better to keep two different tables(records); one for 'member data' and another for 'pain area'. By using the member_id as a forign key in the pain area, we can reduce the replecation of data and effectively manage the memory space. Using the member_id we can store any number of pain areas in table 'pain area' without replicating the whole member data. The result will be same, and it will reduce data complexity and improves system performance. By maintaining only one record(as currently), if a member does not have any pain area, we either needs to dlete the member data or keep the pain area empty.But when using the two records without deleting member data we can delete pain area data. And also the data management(deletion, altering, insertion) will become more simple and deleting the whole pain areas will not delete the member data.

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