
In: Operations Management

Question 01. Select an Organization of your choice which is known for excellent team performance and...

Question 01. Select an Organization of your choice which is known for excellent team performance and write a brief report on the measures the management has taken to foster Team building.

Question 02: Explain how the factors of organization like-

Vision, Communication, culture, Organizational Structure, Learning and leadership influence team performance.


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Expert Solution

1. An organisation which I would like to select for the most effective team performance example would be Amazon. As we all know Amazon has been the most strategical and the largest company to be working even at this time of Covid-19 to make its operations working and reaching profits. All of this is because of the effective team leadership and team effort which the company possesses. Various measures that have been undertaken by the organisation to foster and increase this team building nature within the employees are:

1. Communication: The first step that is effectively taken to make the collective goals of the organisation to be achieved in any sort of manner is Communication. Effective communication is practiced within the organisation to make the employees the value the possess, the value of goals, how effectively they could achieve, the value of unity and team work and the value of working together to make things happen. Thus, Amazon shares an effective communicative environment where people work together effectively and efficiently to achieve the targets.

2. Integration: The next measure is Integration. Making the individual resources work is one effective measure, but to integrate the efforts of all the resources for the best outcome is another effective measure taken by the organisation to make the tasks achieved. Amazon has developed itself to integrate all the biggest and the smalles effort in the organisation. From the supplier to the customer, all the activities are interlinked in a manner where an effective benefit of integration could be achieved by promoting team working efficiency.

3. Organisational Culture: At last, organisation's culture also have a big hand in promoting the team culture and the way people work. You can't expect people working together in a team in an environment which is rigid and doesn't allow free communication. Amazon understands this concept and thus is an organisation which allows free communication, opens itself to a manner where both diversity and inclusion is felt to make the people feel included and would have the essence of team spirit rooted deep inside them.

2. As mentioned above, all these factors which are Vision, Communication, culture, Organizational Structure, Learning and leadership have a very big role in making the company and the employees understand the meaning of team performance and unity. All tese factors play a dynamic role in making the employees feel togetherness, united and attached towards each other promoting a sense of belongingness where they understand the meaning of organisational goal and work together to achieve it effectively and efficiently. Where vision is a shared value which the organisation possesses about its future activities, making the activities and performance sustained through team spirit shows the company as a very good example where it is effectively utilising its resources to make things happen. Communication and Leadership are used in a manner to make the employees understand the meaning and relevance of team spirit through training, motivation and other plans explicitly by any means to promote team efficiency. Culture and organisation's structure would also make the people have a diverse knowledge about what the company's main strategic goals are. By either following centralisation or decentralisation, what the company wishes to achieve within its people making them strategically strong and independent to work together in a team. And at last, learning is a contineous process. Organisation should always be a learning organisation to make the employees always understand and learn various concepts and ideology to work in the best assured manner.

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