
In: Computer Science

Urgent Please Explain and show the difference between IEEE 16, 32, 64, 128-bit floating-point numbers.

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Explain and show the difference between IEEE 16, 32, 64, 128-bit floating-point numbers.


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4.  Floating-Point Number Representation

A floating-point number (or real number) can represent a very large (1.23×10^88) or a very small (1.23×10^-88) value. It could also represent very large negative number (-1.23×10^88) and very small negative number (-1.23×10^88), as well as zero, as illustrated:

A floating-point number is typically expressed in the scientific notation, with a fraction (F), and an exponent (E) of a certain radix (r), in the form of F×r^E. Decimal numbers use radix of 10 (F×10^E); while binary numbers use radix of 2 (F×2^E).

Representation of floating point number is not unique. For example, the number 55.66 can be represented as 5.566×10^1, 0.5566×10^2, 0.05566×10^3, and so on. The fractional part can be normalized. In the normalized form, there is only a single non-zero digit before the radix point. For example, decimal number 123.4567 can be normalized as 1.234567×10^2; binary number 1010.1011B can be normalized as 1.0101011B×2^3.

It is important to note that floating-point numbers suffer from loss of precision when represented with a fixed number of bits (e.g., 32-bit or 64-bit). This is because there are infinite number of real numbers (even within a small range of says 0.0 to 0.1). On the other hand, a n-bit binary pattern can represent a finite 2^n distinct numbers. Hence, not all the real numbers can be represented. The nearest approximation will be used instead, resulted in loss of accuracy.

It is also important to note that floating number arithmetic is very much less efficient than integer arithmetic. It could be speed up with a so-called dedicated floating-point co-processor. Hence, use integers if your application does not require floating-point numbers.

In computers, floating-point numbers are represented in scientific notation of fraction (F) and exponent (E) with a radix of 2, in the form of F×2^E. Both E and F can be positive as well as negative. Modern computers adopt IEEE 754 standard for representing floating-point numbers. There are two representation schemes: 32-bit single-precision and 64-bit double-precision.

The IEEE 754 standard specifies a binary16 as having the following format:

  • Sign bit: 1 bit
  • Exponent width: 5 bits
  • Significand precision: 11 bits (10 explicitly stored)

The format is laid out as follows:

The format is assumed to have an implicit lead bit with value 1 unless the exponent field is stored with all zeros. Thus only 10 bits of the significand appear in the memory format but the total precision is 11 bits. In IEEE 754 parlance, there are 10 bits of significand, but there are 11 bits of significand precision (log10(211) ≈ 3.311 decimal digits, or 4 digits ± slightly less than 5 units in the last place).

Exponent encoding[edit]

The half-precision binary floating-point exponent is encoded using an offset-binary representation, with the zero offset being 15; also known as exponent bias in the IEEE 754 standard.

  • Emin = 000012 − 011112 = −14
  • Emax = 111102 − 011112 = 15
  • Exponent bias = 011112 = 15

Thus, as defined by the offset binary representation, in order to get the true exponent the offset of 15 has to be subtracted from the stored exponent.

The stored exponents 000002 and 111112 are interpreted specially.

Exponent Significand = zero Significand ≠ zero Equation
000002 zero, −0 subnormal numbers (−1)signbit × 2−14 × 0.significantbits2
000012, ..., 111102 normalized value (−1)signbit × 2exponent−15 × 1.significantbits2
111112 ±infinity NaN (quiet, signalling)

The minimum strictly positive (subnormal) value is 2−24 ≈ 5.96 × 10−8. The minimum positive normal value is 2−14 ≈ 6.10 × 10−5. The maximum representable value is (2−2−10) × 215 = 65504.

4.1  IEEE-754 32-bit Single-Precision Floating-Point Numbers

In 32-bit single-precision floating-point representation:

  • The most significant bit is the sign bit (S), with 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers.
  • The following 8 bits represent exponent (E).
  • The remaining 23 bits represents fraction (F).

Normalized Form

Let's illustrate with an example, suppose that the 32-bit pattern is 1 1000 0001 011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000, with:

  • S = 1
  • E = 1000 0001
  • F = 011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

In the normalized form, the actual fraction is normalized with an implicit leading 1 in the form of 1.F. In this example, the actual fraction is 1.011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 1 + 1×2^-2 + 1×2^-3 = 1.375D.

The sign bit represents the sign of the number, with S=0 for positive and S=1 for negative number. In this example with S=1, this is a negative number, i.e., -1.375D.

In normalized form, the actual exponent is E-127 (so-called excess-127 or bias-127). This is because we need to represent both positive and negative exponent. With an 8-bit E, ranging from 0 to 255, the excess-127 scheme could provide actual exponent of -127 to 128. In this example, E-127=129-127=2D.

Hence, the number represented is -1.375×2^2=-5.5D.

De-Normalized Form

Normalized form has a serious problem, with an implicit leading 1 for the fraction, it cannot represent the number zero! Convince yourself on this!

De-normalized form was devised to represent zero and other numbers.

For E=0, the numbers are in the de-normalized form. An implicit leading 0 (instead of 1) is used for the fraction; and the actual exponent is always -126. Hence, the number zero can be represented with E=0 and F=0 (because 0.0×2^-126=0).

We can also represent very small positive and negative numbers in de-normalized form with E=0. For example, if S=1, E=0, and F=011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000. The actual fraction is 0.011=1×2^-2+1×2^-3=0.375D. Since S=1, it is a negative number. With E=0, the actual exponent is -126. Hence the number is -0.375×2^-126 = -4.4×10^-39, which is an extremely small negative number (close to zero).


In summary, the value (N) is calculated as follows:

  • For 1 ≤ E ≤ 254, N = (-1)^S × 1.F × 2^(E-127). These numbers are in the so-called normalized form. The sign-bit represents the sign of the number. Fractional part (1.F) are normalized with an implicit leading 1. The exponent is bias (or in excess) of 127, so as to represent both positive and negative exponent. The range of exponent is -126 to +127.
  • For E = 0, N = (-1)^S × 0.F × 2^(-126). These numbers are in the so-called denormalized form. The exponent of 2^-126 evaluates to a very small number. Denormalized form is needed to represent zero (with F=0 and E=0). It can also represents very small positive and negative number close to zero.
  • For E = 255, it represents special values, such as ±INF (positive and negative infinity) and NaN (not a number). This is beyond the scope of this article.

Example 1: Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 0 10000000 110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.

Sign bit S = 0 ⇒ positive number
E = 1000 0000B = 128D (in normalized form)
Fraction is 1.11B (with an implicit leading 1) = 1 + 1×2^-1 + 1×2^-2 = 1.75D
The number is +1.75 × 2^(128-127) = +3.5D

Example 2: Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 1 01111110 100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.

Sign bit S = 1 ⇒ negative number
E = 0111 1110B = 126D (in normalized form)
Fraction is 1.1B  (with an implicit leading 1) = 1 + 2^-1 = 1.5D
The number is -1.5 × 2^(126-127) = -0.75D

Example 3: Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 1 01111110 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001.

Sign bit S = 1 ⇒ negative number
E = 0111 1110B = 126D (in normalized form)
Fraction is 1.000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001B  (with an implicit leading 1) = 1 + 2^-23
The number is -(1 + 2^-23) × 2^(126-127) = -0.500000059604644775390625 (may not be exact in decimal!)

Example 4 (De-Normalized Form): Suppose that IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point representation pattern is 1 00000000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001.

Sign bit S = 1 ⇒ negative number
E = 0 (in de-normalized form)
Fraction is 0.000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001B  (with an implicit leading 0) = 1×2^-23
The number is -2^-23 × 2^(-126) = -2×(-149) ≈ -1.4×10^-45

4.2  Exercises (Floating-point Numbers)

  1. Compute the largest and smallest positive numbers that can be represented in the 32-bit normalized form.
  2. Compute the largest and smallest negative numbers can be represented in the 32-bit normalized form.
  3. Repeat (1) for the 32-bit denormalized form.
  4. Repeat (2) for the 32-bit denormalized form.


  1. Largest positive number: S=0, E=1111 1110 (254), F=111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111.
    Smallest positive number: S=0, E=0000 00001 (1), F=000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.
  2. Same as above, but S=1.
  3. Largest positive number: S=0, E=0, F=111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111.
    Smallest positive number: S=0, E=0, F=000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001.
  4. Same as above, but S=1.

Notes For Java Users

You can use JDK methods Float.intBitsToFloat(int bits) or Double.longBitsToDouble(long bits) to create a single-precision 32-bit float or double-precision 64-bit double with the specific bit patterns, and print their values. For examples,


4.3  IEEE-754 64-bit Double-Precision Floating-Point Numbers

The representation scheme for 64-bit double-precision is similar to the 32-bit single-precision:

  • The most significant bit is the sign bit (S), with 0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers.
  • The following 11 bits represent exponent (E).
  • The remaining 52 bits represents fraction (F).

The value (N) is calculated as follows:

  • Normalized form: For 1 ≤ E ≤ 2046, N = (-1)^S × 1.F × 2^(E-1023).
  • Denormalized form: For E = 0, N = (-1)^S × 0.F × 2^(-1022). These are in the denormalized form.
  • For E = 2047, N represents special values, such as ±INF (infinity), NaN (not a number).

4.4  More on Floating-Point Representation

There are three parts in the floating-point representation:

  • The sign bit (S) is self-explanatory (0 for positive numbers and 1 for negative numbers).
  • For the exponent (E), a so-called bias (or excess) is applied so as to represent both positive and negative exponent. The bias is set at half of the range. For single precision with an 8-bit exponent, the bias is 127 (or excess-127). For double precision with a 11-bit exponent, the bias is 1023 (or excess-1023).
  • The fraction (F) (also called the mantissa or significand) is composed of an implicit leading bit (before the radix point) and the fractional bits (after the radix point). The leading bit for normalized numbers is 1; while the leading bit for denormalized numbers is 0.

Normalized Floating-Point Numbers

In normalized form, the radix point is placed after the first non-zero digit, e,g., 9.8765D×10^-23D, 1.001011B×2^11B. For binary number, the leading bit is always 1, and need not be represented explicitly - this saves 1 bit of storage.

In IEEE 754's normalized form:

  • For single-precision, 1 ≤ E ≤ 254 with excess of 127. Hence, the actual exponent is from -126 to +127. Negative exponents are used to represent small numbers (< 1.0); while positive exponents are used to represent large numbers (> 1.0).
       N = (-1)^S × 1.F × 2^(E-127)
  • For double-precision, 1 ≤ E ≤ 2046 with excess of 1023. The actual exponent is from -1022 to +1023, and
       N = (-1)^S × 1.F × 2^(E-1023)

Take note that n-bit pattern has a finite number of combinations (=2^n), which could represent finite distinct numbers. It is not possible to represent the infinite numbers in the real axis (even a small range says 0.0 to 1.0 has infinite numbers). That is, not all floating-point numbers can be accurately represented. Instead, the closest approximation is used, which leads to loss of accuracy.

The minimum and maximum normalized floating-point numbers are:

Precision Normalized N(min) Normalized N(max)
Single 0080 0000H
0 00000001 00000000000000000000000B
E = 1, F = 0
N(min) = 1.0B × 2^-126
(≈1.17549435 × 10^-38)
0 11111110 00000000000000000000000B
E = 254, F = 0
N(max) = 1.1...1B × 2^127 = (2 - 2^-23) × 2^127
(≈3.4028235 × 10^38)
Double 0010 0000 0000 0000H
N(min) = 1.0B × 2^-1022
(≈2.2250738585072014 × 10^-308)
N(max) = 1.1...1B × 2^1023 = (2 - 2^-52) × 2^1023
(≈1.7976931348623157 × 10^308)

Denormalized Floating-Point Numbers

If E = 0, but the fraction is non-zero, then the value is in denormalized form, and a leading bit of 0 is assumed, as follows:

  • For single-precision, E = 0,
       N = (-1)^S × 0.F × 2^(-126)
  • For double-precision, E = 0,
       N = (-1)^S × 0.F × 2^(-1022)

Denormalized form can represent very small numbers closed to zero, and zero, which cannot be represented in normalized form, as shown in the above figure.

The minimum and maximum of denormalized floating-point numbers are:

Precision Denormalized D(min) Denormalized D(max)
Single 0000 0001H
0 00000000 00000000000000000000001B
E = 0, F = 00000000000000000000001B
D(min) = 0.0...1 × 2^-126 = 1 × 2^-23 × 2^-126 = 2^-149
(≈1.4 × 10^-45)
0 00000000 11111111111111111111111B
E = 0, F = 11111111111111111111111B
D(max) = 0.1...1 × 2^-126 = (1-2^-23)×2^-126
(≈1.1754942 × 10^-38)
Double 0000 0000 0000 0001H
D(min) = 0.0...1 × 2^-1022 = 1 × 2^-52 × 2^-1022 = 2^-1074
(≈4.9 × 10^-324)
D(max) = 0.1...1 × 2^-1022 = (1-2^-52)×2^-1022
(≈4.4501477170144023 × 10^-308)

Special Values

Zero: Zero cannot be represented in the normalized form, and must be represented in denormalized form with E=0 and F=0. There are two representations for zero: +0 with S=0 and -0 with S=1.

Infinity: The value of +infinity (e.g., 1/0) and -infinity (e.g., -1/0) are represented with an exponent of all 1's (E = 255 for single-precision and E = 2047 for double-precision), F=0, and S=0 (for +INF) and S=1 (for -INF).

Not a Number (NaN): NaN denotes a value that cannot be represented as real number (e.g. 0/0). NaN is represented with Exponent of all 1's (E = 255 for single-precision and E = 2047 for double-precision) and any non-zero fraction.

The IEEE 754 standard specifies a binary128 as having:

  • Sign bit: 1 bit
  • Exponent width: 15 bits
  • Significand precision: 113 bits (112 explicitly stored)

This gives from 33 to 36 significant decimal digits precision. If a decimal string with at most 33 significant digits is converted to IEEE 754 quadruple-precision representation, and then converted back to a decimal string with the same number of digits, the final result should match the original string. If an IEEE 754 quadruple-precision number is converted to a decimal string with at least 36 significant digits, and then converted back to quadruple-precision representation, the final result must match the original number.[3]

The format is written with an implicit lead bit with value 1 unless the exponent is stored with all zeros. Thus only 112 bits of the significand appear in the memory format, but the total precision is 113 bits (approximately 34 decimal digits: log10(2113) ≈ 34.016). The bits are laid out as:

A binary256 would have a significand precision of 237 bits (approximately 71 decimal digits) and exponent bias 262143.

Exponent encoding[edit]

The quadruple-precision binary floating-point exponent is encoded using an offset binary representation, with the zero offset being 16383; this is also known as exponent bias in the IEEE 754 standard.

  • Emin = 000116 − 3FFF16 = −16382
  • Emax = 7FFE16 − 3FFF16 = 16383
  • Exponent bias = 3FFF16 = 16383

Thus, as defined by the offset binary representation, in order to get the true exponent, the offset of 16383 has to be subtracted from the stored exponent.

The stored exponents 000016 and 7FFF16 are interpreted specially.

Exponent Significand zero Significand non-zero Equation
000016 0, −0 subnormal numbers (−1)signbit × 2−16382 × 0.significandbits2
000116, ..., 7FFE16 normalized value (−1)signbit × 2exponentbits2 − 16383 × 1.significandbits2
7FFF16 ±∞ NaN (quiet, signalling)

The minimum strictly positive (subnormal) value is 2−16494 ≈ 10−4965 and has a precision of only one bit. The minimum positive normal value is 2−16382 ≈ 3.3621 × 10−4932 and has a precision of 113 bits, i.e. ±2−16494 as well. The maximum representable value is 216384 − 216271 ≈ 1.1897 × 104932.

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