In: Computer Science
Counting evens
Write the pseudo-code for a brute force approach to counting the number of even integers in an array of n integers.
Write the pseudo-code divide-and-conquer algorithm for counting the number of even integers in an array of n integers.
Give the recurrence relation for the number of additions in your divide-and-conquer algorithm.
Brute force approach pseudo code:
// function to count no. of even integers
// pseudo code
// input: arr : array of int, n: size of array
// 0 based indexing
// output: no. of even integers
// brute force approact
int countEven(int arr[],int n){
int count = 0;
// loop through array
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
if(arr[i]%2 == 0){ // even integer
count = count + 1;
// return count value
return count;
Divide and conquer approach:
// function to count no. of even integers
// pseudo code
// input: arr : array of int, s: starting index of array, e: last index of array
// initial call: countEven(arr,0,n-1); where n is size of array
// 0 based indexing
// output: no. of even integers
// divide and conquer approach
int countEven(int arr[],int s,int e){
// base case
if(s-e == 0){ // only one element then check it directly
if(arr[s]%2 == 0 ){
return 1;
} else{
return 0;
// mid value of array
int mid = (s+e)/2;
// call to left half
int count = countEven(arr,s,mid);
// call to right half
count = count + countEven(arr,mid+1,e); // also add to count
// return count value
return count;
Recurrence relation:
Let n be the size of array and T(n) represent no. of addition for array of size n.
T(1) = 0 // we directly return the value by checking, (base case)
T(n) = 2*T(n/2) + 1 // call to left and right half and we use one addition to count
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