
In: Operations Management

What is your role in the international market? How does the international dimension affect information security?...

What is your role in the international market?

How does the international dimension affect information security?

If your company is global, how is the IS department affected? If it is not, how could the IS department be used to expand into a global market?

What are the opportunities and challenges of a global market for an IS department?


Expert Solution

Any organization’s role in the global market is to capture the market share globally by providing services worldwide and expanding business.

The factor affecting information security at a global level includes location, political regulations, culture and religious beliefs of the country in which the information system is located.

The information security of the organization surely is affected by being global. Security incidents can be initiated by internal or external forces from anywhere in the world, a global concern. Prosecution of data theft in the digital age is becoming prevalent. There have been increase in data breach reports and criminal organizations are using these security shortfalls to gain sensitive information for profit. Business is completely relied upon information technology to maintain a competitive edge. Legal and regulatory compliance becomes important that Information security is approached at the global corporate governance level and across the enterprise.

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