
In: Psychology

Describe a dysfunctional system. What would you do to transform the dysfunctional system into a functional...

Describe a dysfunctional system. What would you do to transform the dysfunctional system into a functional system?


Expert Solution

  • A dysfunctional system could be a dysfunctional family in which either there is too much communication and interference or complete lack of it and indifferent attitudes of family members towards each other.
  • At the base of dysfunctional families there are often communication problems. Members do not want to express their feelings or ideas, thus repressing them or expressing them indirectly by triggering defensive behaviors. In this way, messages are not clear and cause new family problems.
  • Its members are not empathic and sensitive to others, so that the family does not meet the minimum requirements of acceptance and affection. Some members may even feel rejected. There is a low level of tolerance, so it ends up blaming one of the members and treating him unfairly.
  • Dysfunctional families are simply those who do not have the psychological resources necessary to deal with coexistence in an affirmative and favorable way to the development of their members. This means that, in the face of a crisis, any functional family can become dysfunctional as everything will depend on how it will deal with it.
  • Family therapy could work to make it a functional family system,by listening to each member of the family regarding their family environment and where exactly the problem lies and then devising strategies to overcome them.
  • If for example,a child in the family ihas no real job to do,they engage in mischief like gangs etc,parents can make them functional again by teaching them to balance a checkbook,ask them to set a table,go buy some stuff from the store,keep track of the household money etc. which could make them interested in doing work rather than arguing with parents.Communication would also become more positive.
  • Parents can also be asked to encourage quality time with everyone,playing games together,reading books,playing some sports,etc.which would create a psoitive relationship between family members.Being involved with the child is important but not too involved.
  • Children should be made comfortable to share anything with their parents rather than keeping secrets,and for that parents need to develop a friendly relationship with them so that the communication is open.Parents need to be non-judgmental and understand their child's emotions.
  • Conflict is addressed. No family is perfect, siblings will bicker, parents might disagree, but in healthy families, conflict is addressed, not swept under the rug. Family meetings are a great way to address what’s bothering family members.

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