
In: Computer Science

Write a program that simulates a vending machine. The machine holds six snack items labeled them...

Write a program that simulates a vending machine. The machine holds six snack items labeled them 1 through 6. The program should initially display a menu of items along with their prices:

Vending Machine

1. Roasted Almonds --> $1.25
2. Pretzels        --> $1.75
3. Chewing Gum     --> $0.90
4. Mints           --> $0.75
5. Chocolate bar   --> $1.50
6. Cookies         --> $2.00

The program then should ask the user to enter the item to purchase along with a sum of money. If the money is enough to buy the item, your program should display the name of item purchased along with the change owed to the user (if any). If the money inserted is insufficient, then your program should say so and let the user know how much additional money is needed. Your program must display the money amounts using the dollar sign and two decimal places after the decimal point.

Please note that your program must validate the input given by the user:

  • The item to purchase an the amount of money are numeric values (e.g. int and float)
  • If the user enters an invalid choice for an item to purchase, your program should alert the user of the error.
  • The program should not accept negative values for the sum of money.

Here are a few sample runs:

Vending Machine

1. Roasted Almonds --> $1.25
2. Pretzels        --> $1.75
3. Chewing Gum     --> $0.90
4. Mints           --> $0.75
5. Chocolate bar   --> $1.50
6. Cookies         --> $2.00

Enter your choice of item: 1
Enter money to purchase item: 10
Thanks for buying Roasted Almonds.
Your change is $8.75.
Vending Machine

1. Roasted Almonds --> $1.25
2. Pretzels        --> $1.75
3. Chewing Gum     --> $0.90
4. Mints           --> $0.75
5. Chocolate bar   --> $1.50
6. Cookies         --> $2.00

Enter your choice of item: 6
Enter money to purchase item: 1.50
You are $0.50 short.
Vending Machine

1. Roasted Almonds --> $1.25
2. Pretzels        --> $1.75
3. Chewing Gum     --> $0.90
4. Mints           --> $0.75
5. Chocolate bar   --> $1.50
6. Cookies         --> $2.00

Enter your choice of item: 9
Invalid item choice.
Vending Machine

1. Roasted Almonds --> $1.25
2. Pretzels        --> $1.75
3. Chewing Gum     --> $0.90
4. Mints           --> $0.75
5. Chocolate bar   --> $1.50
6. Cookies         --> $2.00

Enter your choice of item: A
Value entered was not a number.
Vending Machine

1. Roasted Almonds --> $1.25
2. Pretzels        --> $1.75
3. Chewing Gum     --> $0.90
4. Mints           --> $0.75
5. Chocolate bar   --> $1.50
6. Cookies         --> $2.00

Enter your choice of item: 2
Enter money to purchase item: abc
Value entered was not a number.
Vending Machine

1. Roasted Almonds --> $1.25
2. Pretzels        --> $1.75
3. Chewing Gum     --> $0.90
4. Mints           --> $0.75
5. Chocolate bar   --> $1.50
6. Cookies         --> $2.00

Enter your choice of item: 4
Enter money to purchase item: -2.00
Amount of money cannot be a negative value.


  • The purpose of this problem is to practice using conditional branching and the try/except clause. Do not use loops.
  • Please make sure to submit a well-written program. Good identifier names, useful comments, and spacing will be some of the criteria that will be used when grading this assignment.
  • This assignment can be and must be solved using only the materials that have been discussed in class. Do not look for alternative methods that have not been covered as part of this course.

How your program will be graded:

  • correctness: it performs the conversion correctly: 40%
  • complies with requirements: correct use of conditional branching: 40%
  • code style: good variable names, comments, proper indentation and spacing, : 20%

Please use python 3


Expert Solution

# declaring variables
while choice!=0:
    Vending Machine
    1. Roasted Almonds --> $1.25
    2. Pretzels        --> $1.75
    3. Chewing Gum     --> $0.90
    4. Mints           --> $0.75
    5. Chocolate bar   --> $1.50
    6. Cookies         --> $2.00""")
        choice=int(input("Enter your choice of item:"))
        if(choice >= 1 and choice <=6):
            if choice==1:
                money=int(input("Enter money to purchase item:"))
                if money<0:
                    print("Amount of money cannot be a negative value.")
                elif money >= almonds:
                    change= money - almonds
                    print("Thanks for buying Roasted Almonds\n Your change is $",change)
                    print("you are",(almonds-money)," short")
            elif choice==2:
                money=int(input("Enter money to purchase item:"))
                if money<0:
                    print("Amount of money cannot be a negative value.")
                elif money >= pretzels:
                    change= money - pretzels
                    print("Thanks for buying pretzels \n Your change is $",change)
                    print("you are",(pretzels-money)," short")
            elif choice==3:
                money=int(input("Enter money to purchase item:"))
                if money<0:
                    print("Amount of money cannot be a negative value.")
                elif money >= che_Gum:
                    change= money - che_Gum
                    print("Thanks for buying Chewing Gum \n Your change is $",change)
                    print("you are",(che_Gum-money)," short")
            elif choice==4:
                money=int(input("Enter money to purchase item:"))
                if money<0:
                    print("Amount of money cannot be a negative value.")
                elif money >= mints:
                    change= money - mints
                    print("Thanks for buying Mints \n Your change is $",change)
                    print("you are",(mints-money)," short")
            elif choice==5:
                money=int(input("Enter money to purchase item:"))
                if money<0:
                    print("Amount of money cannot be a negative value.")
                elif money >= chocolate_bar:
                    change= money - chocolate_bar
                    print("Thanks for buying Chocolate bar \n Your change is $",change)
                    print("you are",(chocolate_bar-money)," short")

            elif choice==6:
                money=int(input("Enter money to purchase item:"))
                if money<0:
                    print("Amount of money cannot be a negative value.")
                elif money >= cookies:
                    change= money - cookies
                    print("Thanks for buying cookies \n Your change is $",change)
                    print("you are",(cookies-money)," short")

            print("Enter valid choice 0-EXIT")
        print("An exception occurred")

output Screen

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