
In: Nursing

Protective urges : working with the feelings of parents & caregivers Introduction and key concepts --...

Protective urges : working with the feelings of parents & caregivers

Introduction and key concepts --
Working with parents' feelings. The parent's need for understanding --
The parent's concern for competence --
The importance of honesty --

Working with caregivers' feelings. Step 1: Explore your feelings --
Step 2: Check out your feelings --
Step 3: Seek the parent's point of view --
Step 4: Develop an action plan --


Expert Solution

Introduction and key concepts-Parents are very protective of their children same goes with the caregiver . Both the care giver and parents invest much of their emotion, time, feelings in protecting the babies from all kinds of harm and dangers. This urge of Protective feelings  by both the parent and the caregiver can results in rich partnership of care but some isssueS may also arises that can interfer with the parents and caregiver working together.

working with parents feelings :

The parents need for understanding- encourage the parents to communicate with the care giver on a regularly bases, be sensitive to the parents feelings, frear worries and emotions, make the parents comforble and find out the reason of uneasiness , provide support they need.

The parents concern for competence- competence of the caregivers in caring for the infant is one of the main concern of the parents. understand the infants cry, hunger. The care giver must exhibit that they are able,competent and knowledgable in providing quality care for the infants hence reduce  fear and worry of the patient and develop a trustful relationshipo with the caregiver.Helping the parents with concern of the child is very reassuring.

The importance of honesty- providing truthful answer to the parents when questions by the parents. Informing about things that happen in the care center no matter how unplease helps in gaining  trust and respect.

working with caregivers feelings

  • Explore your feelings- exploring once feelings( fear, anger, anxiety , frustration, resentment)to the situations helps in understand oneself more and also helps in finding the solution to the problem and accepting these feelings .Share the feelings with your peer and colleagues helps in gaining perspective about oour feelings.
  • check your feelings with others- sharing my feeling with my colleagues and peer helps in gaining prespective about our feeling. This helps in giving explaination an clarity of your feelings.
  • Seek the parents point of view- Any issue you have should be discussed with the parents .clarification of the assuptioms you have helps in solving the problem. Create a calm relaxing environment during the discussion, be a good listener, avoid disagreeing,  trying to solve the problems helps in opening up the parents. and thus helps you in understanding the parents point of view much clearer.
  • Develop an action plan-
  1. Address your issue- find support , counselling, handle stress through walk , meditate, yoga, set your own limitations on what you will do.
  2. Interacting with parent- before meeting the parent  reflect the relationship you have with the parent, be clear of which issue you can be discussed, plan how to interact with the parent
  3. seeking outside help- contact outside help like resource or referral agency, specific services if the problem cannot be solve by yourself.

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