
In: Computer Science

Write the Java source code necessary to build a solution for the problem below: Create a...

Write the Java source code necessary to build a solution for the problem below:
Create a MyLinkedList class. Create methods in the class to add an item to the head, tail, or middle of a linked list; remove an item from the head, tail, or middle of a linked list; check the size of the list; and search for an element in the list.

Create a test class to use the newly created MyLinkedList class. Add the following names in to the list: James, John, Michael, Peter, Allison, Daniel, George, Simon, Jason, and Mark. Your program should allow the user to enter a name from the console, and then search to see if the name exists in the list.


Expert Solution

Hi, Please find my implementation.

Please let me know in case of any issue.

public class MyLinkedList {


   static class Node{

       String data;

       Node next;


       Node(String d){

           data = d;

           next =null;




   private Node head;


   public MyLinkedList() {

       head = null;



   public void append(String data){

       if(head == null)

           head = new Node(data);


           Node temp = head;

           while( != null)

               temp =;


  = new Node(data);




   public void addFront(String data){

       Node newNode = new Node(data); = head;

       head = newNode;



   public void removeFromLast(){

       if(head == null || == null)

           head = null;


           Node temp = head;

           while( != null)

               temp =;


  = null; // removing last element




   public void removeFirst(){

       if(head == null)



           head =;



   public boolean search(String data){

       Node temp = head;

       while(temp != null){


               return true;

           temp =;



       return false;



   public void addAtMiddle(String data){


       Node slow = head;

       Node fast = head;

       Node prev = null;


       Node newNode = new Node(data);

       if(head == null || == null){

  = head;

           head = newNode;




       while(fast != null && != null){

           fast =;

           prev = slow;

           slow =;



       if(prev != null)

  =newNode; = slow;



   public void removeAtMiddle(){

       Node slow = head;

       Node fast = head;

       Node prev = null;

       if(head == null || == null){

           head = null;




       while(fast != null && != null){

           fast =;

           prev = slow;

           slow =;





   public void display(){

       Node temp = head;

       while(temp != null){

           System.out.print(" ");






public class MyLinkedListTest {


   public static void main(String[] args) {


       MyLinkedList list = new MyLinkedList();








































       System.out.println("George ? ""George"));




Sample run:


John James

John Michael James

John Peter Michael James

John Peter Allison Michael James

Daniel John Peter Allison Michael James

Daniel John Peter Allison Michael James George

Simon Daniel John Peter Allison Michael James George

Simon Daniel John Peter Allison Michael James George Jason

Simon Daniel John Peter Mark Allison Michael James George Jason

Simon Daniel John Peter Mark Michael James George Jason

Daniel John Peter Mark Michael James George Jason

Daniel John Peter Mark Michael James George

George ? true


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