
In: Computer Science

C++ Please. Break it down barney style if possible. Instructions Create a program to keep track...

C++ Please. Break it down barney style if possible.


Create a program to keep track of the statistics for a kid’s soccer team. The program will have a structure that defines what data the program will collect for each of the players. The structure will keep the following data:

Players Name (string)

Players Jersey Number (integer)

Points scored by Player (integer)

The program will have an array of 12 players (use less for testing and development, use a constant for the size). Each element in the array is a different player on the team.

The program will ask the user to enter information for each player. The program will also display the team information in a table format. After the table, the total points scored by a team will be displayed.

The program will also determine which player scored the most points on the team.


Do not accept negative value for player’s number

Do not accept negative value for player’s score

Required Methods:

void GetPlayerInfo(Player &);

void ShowPlayerInfo(const Player);

int GetTotalPoints(const Player[ ], int);

void ShowHighest(Player [ ], int)


Expert Solution

/*C++ program that prompts user to enter the players information for the SIZE value.
Then print the player name, jersery number and score on console with neat table format.
Then find the total points of the players and player of highest score and player name .
Print the results on console output.*/

using namespace std;
//structure of Player
struct Player
   string name;
   int jerseyNumber;
   int score;
//function prototypes
void GetPlayerInfo(Player &);
void ShowPlayerInfo(const Player);
int GetTotalPoints(const Player[ ], int);
void ShowHighest(Player [ ], int);

int main()
   int index;
   //Change this constant SIZE TO 12 to read 12 player's name, jersey number and score values
   /*For sample input and output, only SIZE=3 taken to demonstrate the program*/
   const int SIZE=3;
   Player players[SIZE];

   //read player data

   //print heading


   //print highest score on console
   printf("Total points of players : %5d\n",GetTotalPoints(players,SIZE));

   return 0;

/*Function ,ShowPlayerInfo that takes a Player object and
display the results on console output*/
void ShowPlayerInfo(const Player p)

/*Function to read player information*/
void GetPlayerInfo(Player &playerInfo)
   cout<<"Enter player's name : ";
   //Do not accept negative jersey number
       cout<<"Enter player's jersey number : ";

           cout<<"Error: Invalid jersey number ."<<endl;


   //Do not accept negative score
       cout<<"Enter player's score : ";

           cout<<"Error: Invalid score ."<<endl;


/*Function ,GetTotalPoints that takes Players array and its size as input
and then find the total points of score and return total score.*/
int GetTotalPoints(const Player players[ ], int size)
   int totalPoints=0;
   int index=0;

   return totalPoints;

/*Function, ShowHighest that takes Player array and its size as input
and then find the highest score value on console output.*/
void ShowHighest(Player players[ ], int size)
   //Assume that the first player's score is highest
   int highest=players[0].score;

   string playerName;
   //Assign player at index,0 name to playerName

   int index=0;
       //check if score at index is greater than highest value
           //Then, update the highest score and name values
   //print highest score player and its score
   cout<<"Player's Name : "<<playerName<<endl;
   cout<<"Highest score : "<<highest<<endl;

Sample Output:

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