Strengths of ratio models to predict financial distress are
- Ratios are mostly simple to calculate
- The information required to compute ratios are available in the
financial statements
- Ratios can detect signs of financial distress by analysing
liquidity position, financial leverage, interest coverage ratios,
profitability ratios and activity ratios
- Ratios are easy to explain and understand
Weaknesses of ratio models to predict financial distress are
- The distress may be due to off-balance sheet items such as
large amounts of financial obligations which are not recorded in
the financial statements
- Ratios although useful for an overall analysis to quickly
detect signs of distress, are not as useful for in-depth analysis
and to detect signs which are hidden deep in the financial
- Signs of financial distress are sometimes detected by talking
to suppliers, customers, employees, management etc., and not by
analysis of financial statements