In: Civil Engineering
It is beleived that cyclic decoration should be limites to rich areas only because in cyclical decoration the whole maintainace of buildings like each and every aspect should be maintain in a time so it need to a capable contractor which may be able to take responsibilities of whole work of building as described below so a third party takes contract and they charge a high volome of money because they need a high standard work force so it is justifiable to say that it should be limited to rich areas only.
i) Cyclical Decoration- Cyclical decoration is a process of decorating the externals of building ,blocks and flats of building and internal decorating of communal areas like staircses and community halls ,varamdah etc it may includes the following works-
1.Painting of whole buildings.
2.Repair of boundaries,walls and other common areas.
3.Taking care of guttering pipes.
ii) Relevance of cyclical Decoration- In cyclical decoration the third party takes contract to decorate ,repair and maintainance of buiding because buildings like boulevard tower , hundreds of flats are there and aminities like water pipes ,guttering pipes are shared by them so it is not possible that each and every family will do mainatance work according to their need and comforts so it is required to keep the whole building maintain so for this purpose a contract is provided to third partyy who takes care of all need of buidings which also reduces the chances of disputes between them
iii) The items to be Replaced- follwing items may replaced
1.Guttering pipes
2. Water pipe
3.Community hall windows and doors
4.Boundary fencing
5.Lights and holders
6.Common gates,doors and windows
iv) The procedure to be carried out- according to thier need of work and building a separate contract may be provided for external and internal works but it is to be takes care that all works should be in proper way that they should not interfere each other. follooeing procedure may be donel like-
1.Painting of external walls
2.Painting of whole buildings
3.Repair of boundaries walls and other communal areas
4.Replacement of guttering pipes
5.Replacement of common lights and buildings
6.Decoration of interior of buildings