
In: Accounting

Thomas Sdn Bhd is a computer manufacturer. The summarised accounts of Thomas Sdn Bhd for the...

Thomas Sdn Bhd is a computer manufacturer. The summarised accounts of Thomas Sdn Bhd for the years 2019 and 2020 are given below.

Thomas Sdn Bhd

Income Statement for the Year Ended 31 December








Cost of goods sold



Gross profit



Administrative and selling expenses



Interest expenses



Net income



Thomas Sdn Bhd

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December





Fixed assets at cost less depreciation






Accounts receivable






Total assets



Share capital - ordinary



Retained earnings



8% Debentures



Accounts payable



Bank (overdraft)



Total shareholders’ equity and liabilities



Inventories at 1 January 2019 was RM 50,000.



a) Calculate the following ratios for 2019 and 2020:

        (i) Current ratio

        (ii)   Acid-test ratio

        (iii) Inventories turnover

        (iv) Accounts turnover

         (v) Gross profit on sales

        (vi) Net profit on sales

b) Explain the possible reasons for and significance of any changes in the ratios shown by your calculations.


Expert Solution

Ratios Formuale Calculation Year 2019 Calculation Year 2020 Result 2019 Result 2020 Explanations
Current Ratio Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Current Assets : Stock + Account Receiavbel + Cash and Cash Equivalents
Current Liabilties: Trade Crediotrs + Short Term Liabililites
Inventories + Account Reciavbale + Bank / Account Payable + Bank OD ; 20000 +25000+ 0/ 15000 +10000 Inventories + Account Reciavbale + Bank / Account Payable + Bank OD ; 30000 +28000+5000 / 12000 + 0 1.8 5.25 Here, Current Ratio is higher in Y 2020 as compared to Y 2019 because First Liabilities has Reduced , Secondly current Assest has increased over a period. As in Y 2020 it is 63000 whwere as In Y 2019 I is showing 45000 only.
Acid Test Ration / Quick Ratio Everything Remain same as of Current Ration, only Stock ( Inventpries shall be excluded Account Reciavbale + Bank / Account Payable + Bank OD ;0 +25000+ 0/ 15000 +10000 Account Reciavbale + Bank / Account Payable + Bank OD ; 0 +28000+5000 / 12000 + 0 1 2.75 Here , Acid Tetst ratio show the more liquidity over a period of time against the liabilities current in nature. So Y 2020 is high because Quickk Asset are higher as comapred to in Y 2019 and current liabilities are also reduced.
Inventories turnover Cost of Goods Sold / Average Inventory COGS / ( opening Inventory + Closing Onventory )/2 ;
150000 / ( 20000+ 50000)/2
COGS / ( opening Inventory + Closing Onventory )/2 ;
210000 / ( 20000+ 30000)/2
4.29 8.40 Here conversion rate of Inverntory sold is lower in Y 2019 as compared to Y 2020. Sale is higher in Y 2020 as Compared to Y 2019.
Accounts Trurnover Ration Credit Sale / Average Receivables Sales / Average Receivable ; 200000 / 25000 Sales / Average Receivable ; 280000 / 28000 800% 1000% Here , the cpnversion of Credit sale to Cash is lower as comapred o in Y 2020. Secondly Sale has increase but debtor also increase but the prerformance in Y 2020 is good as comapred to Y 2019 because conversion ration is higher as comapred to Y 2019.
Gross Profit on Sales Gross Profit / Sales ; 50000 / 200000 ; 70000/280000 25% 25% GP is same in both year, May be there are chances that Direct cost will be nullify the impact of the Increase in Sale over a period of time.
Net profit on Sales Net Profit / Sales ; 12000 / 200000 ; 20000/280000 6% 7% with very minimal change, as GP is same in both year, Here Sale has only increased and nothing other has contributed in increase in net profit as othe rin direct cost ahas increased over a period of time.

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