
In: Operations Management

Provide a forecast on a new product that you will be developing. Often managers are called...

Provide a forecast on a new product that you will be developing. Often managers are called upon to make forecasts for these new products when they don't have historical sales data inside the company. What secondary sources of data might you find? Who specifically would provide it (e.g.: the US Census, US Dept of Commerce, ComScore, Nelsen, . . .)? How would this data be used to support your forecast?


Expert Solution

Auxiliary information is regularly utilized when the organization has constrained assets to direct essential research. These are the information or research work that are promptly accessible to be utilized by the organizations for dynamic.

The various kinds of optional information sources that can be utilized may incorporate the examination directed by different associations in comparable businesses, explore led by the exploration associations, for example, Boston Consultancy Group, the information distributed by the administration offices, or the past information that is accessible to the organization.

The optional information identified with the deals can incorporate the accompanying information=

Normal industry deal in the given money related year

The division of the deals among the diverse association

The normal buying measure of clients.

The normal increment or abatement in deals sooner rather than later

Industry patterns and examples in deals

The division of clients in various purchasing fragments based on age, salary gathering, area and utilization designs, etc.

These information can be gotten from the examination associations, for example, Nelson or from the other association working in a comparable industry, the division of industry and trade, or various sorts of offices and private associations that monitor the deals and utilization design in a specific industry.

The optional information can be utilized to discover the utilization design, normal use rate or any sort of example or patterns in the deals. By keeping these elements, the normal figure for deals can be anticipated. For example, if the patterns show that the business is developing at a pace of 10% per annum and the most recent year industry deals were 50 million units so I would gauge that the following year's normal deals will be 55 million units.

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