
In: Computer Science

can someone finish and check my code on main. cpp? Its not working for me even...

can someone finish and check my code on main. cpp? Its not working for me even though im sure my code make sense
is it possible to output each function to show they work. this is supposed to be a vector class library made from allocated memory
i have included templated functions in the class file to help create the rest of the functions.
Thank you so much

note: i did not include main.cpp because it  was empty- im hoping someone can test my vector class functions on int main. thank you

#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H
using namespace std;
T* allocate(int n){
    return new T[n];
void copy_list(T *dest, T* src, int many_to_copy){
    for (int i=0; i < many_to_copy; i++){
        *dest++ = *src++;//destination pointer points to source pointer
    *dest= NULL;
    dest -=many_to_copy;
    src -= many_to_copy;
    delete [] src;//deletes src array
    src = nullptr;
void print_list(T* list, int size){
    cout<< "Content of list is:\n"<
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){//loops "size" times
        cout<<  setw(4)<< *list<
list++; //list array increments
    list = list-size;
    cout<< endl;
// adds element to end of list
T* push_back(T* list,T entry, int& size){
    T* p =list;// ponts to beginning of list
    T* pnew = allocate(size+1);
    for(int i=0; i
        pnew++= p++;
    *pnew = entry;
    size++; // old size gets increased by one
    pnew -= size-1;
    delete list;
    list =nullptr;
    return pnew;
T* pop_back(T* list, int& size){
    T* p = &list;
    T* pnew = allocate(size);// listnew points to dynamic array
    for(int i=0;i
    pnew-= size-1;
      delete list;
      list = nullptr;
      return pnew;
T* reallocate(T* arr, int& currentcapacity, int ncapacity){
    T *pointer = allocate(ncapacity);
    currentcapacity = ncapacity;
    return pointer;
T* add_entry(T* list, const T& new_entry, int& size, int& capacity){
     list = push_back(list,new_entry,size);
     if(size == capacity) {
          cout<<"Increasing capacity "<
list = reallocate(list,capacity,capacity*2);
    return list;
T* search_entry(T* list, const T& find_me, int size) {
     for(int i=0;i
if(*list == find_me) {
             return list;
     if(*list != find_me) {
         cout<<"Not found!"<
         list = nullptr;
         return list;
T* remove_entry(T* list, const T& delete_me, int& size, int& capacity) {
    T * pointernew = search_entry(list,delete_me,size);
    list = pop_back( list, pointernew, size);
    if(size/4 == capacity) {
        cout<<"Reducing capacity "<
list = reallocate(list,capacity,capacity/2);
     return list;
class Vector
    Vector(unsigned int size = 100);
    // big three:
    //big three functions:
    Vector(const Vector& to_be_copied)          //copy ctor: no return type
        _how_many = 100;
        _capacity= 100;
        list =new int [_capacity+1];
    Vector& operator=(const Vector& rhs)   //assignment operator
        const bool debug = true;
        if (debug){
            cout<<".   .   .   .   ["<list<<"].operator("<
        if (this == &rhs){
            return *this;
    //member access functions:
    const T operator [](const unsigned int index) const{//
            assert(index < length());
            return at(index);
    T& operator [](const unsigned int index){
        assert(index < length());
        return at(index);
    T& at(int index)             //returns reference to item at position index
        assert(index < length());
            return list[index];
    const T at(int index) const  //returns a const item at position index
        assert(index < length());
            return list[index];
    T& front() const             //returns item at position 0.
       * list-=_how_many-1;
        return *list;
    T& back() const             //return item at the last position
        * list+=_how_many;
         return *list;
    //Push and Pop functions:
    Vector& operator +=(const T& item){} //push_back
    void push_back(const T& item);      //append to the end
    T pop_back();                       //remove last item and return it
    //Insert and Erase:
    void insert(int insert_here, const T& insert_this);//insert at pos
    void erase(int erase_index);//erase item at position
    int index_of(const T& item);        //search for item. retur index.
    //size and capacity:
    void set_size(int size);            //enlarge the vector to this size
    void set(const int* old_list);
    void set_capacity(int capacity);    //allocate this space
    int size() const {return _how_many;} //return _size
    int capacity() const {return _capacity;} //return _capacity
    bool empty() const;                 //return true if vector is empty
    int check_error() const;
   friend ostream& operator <<( ostream& outs, const Vector& _a );
    void print_list(T* list, int size);
    int _how_many;//size
    int _capacity;//cap
    int _error;//errors
    int* list;
    int vector_len(const int* list) const;
    int length() const;//reutrns vectorlength function
    void v_cpy(T* dest, const T* src) const;
#endif // VECTOR_H


#include "vector.h"
    _error =0;
    list = nullptr;
Vector::Vector(unsigned int _size){//defaultcotr
    _size =100;
    list = nullptr;
    const bool debug = false;
    if (debug){
        cout<<".   .   .   .   Vector::~Vecotr being called."<
    if (list!=nullptr)
        delete[] list;
void Vector::push_back(const T& item){
//Insert and Erase:
void Vector::insert(int insert_here, const T& insert_this){}//inserts item from list
void Vector::erase(int erase_index){}// erease item from list
int Vector::index_of(const T& item){}//search array and return index
void Vector::set_size(int size){_how_many=size;}//returns size
void Vector::set_capacity(int capacity){_capacity= capacity;}
//returns length of list
int Vector::vector_len(const int* list) const{
    const bool debug = false;
    if (debug) cout<<".   .   .   .  Vector::vector_len  ("<
int length = 0;
    if (debug) cout<
return length;
int Vector::length() const{
    return vector_len(list);
void Vector:: v_cpy(T* dest, const T* src) const{
        while (src){
            *dest++ = *src++;//destination pointer points to source pointer
        *dest= NULL;
        //dest -=many_to_copy;
        //src -= many_to_copy;
        delete [] src;//deletes src array
        src = nullptr;
void Vector::set(const int* old_list){
    if (list)
        delete[] list;
    int len = vector_len(old_list);
    //this should be an allocate function.
    list = new int [len+1];
    v_cpy(list, old_list);


Expert Solution

#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H

using namespace std;

T* allocate(int n){
return new T[n];
void copy_list(T *dest, T* src, int many_to_copy){
for (int i=0; i < many_to_copy; i++){
*dest++ = *src++;//destination pointer points to source pointer
*dest= NULL;
dest -=many_to_copy;
src -= many_to_copy;

delete [] src;//deletes src array
src = nullptr;
void print_list(T* list, int size){
cout<< "Content of list is:\n"<
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){//loops "size" times
cout<< setw(4)<< *list<
list++; //list array increments
list = list-size;
cout<< endl;
// adds element to end of list
T* push_back(T* list,T entry, int& size){
T* p =list;// ponts to beginning of list
T* pnew = allocate(size+1);
for(int i=0; i
pnew++= p++;
*pnew = entry;
size++; // old size gets increased by one
pnew -= size-1;
delete list;
list =nullptr;
return pnew;
T* pop_back(T* list, int& size){
T* p = &list;
T* pnew = allocate(size);// listnew points to dynamic array
for(int i=0;i
pnew-= size-1;
delete list;
list = nullptr;
return pnew;
T* reallocate(T* arr, int& currentcapacity, int ncapacity){
T *pointer = allocate(ncapacity);
currentcapacity = ncapacity;
return pointer;
T* add_entry(T* list, const T& new_entry, int& size, int& capacity){
list = push_back(list,new_entry,size);
if(size == capacity) {
cout<<"Increasing capacity "<
list = reallocate(list,capacity,capacity*2);
return list;
T* search_entry(T* list, const T& find_me, int size) {
for(int i=0;i
if(*list == find_me) {
return list;
if(*list != find_me) {
cout<<"Not found!"<
list = nullptr;
return list;
T* remove_entry(T* list, const T& delete_me, int& size, int& capacity) {

T * pointernew = search_entry(list,delete_me,size);
list = pop_back( list, pointernew, size);
if(size/4 == capacity) {
cout<<"Reducing capacity "<
list = reallocate(list,capacity,capacity/2);
return list;
class Vector
Vector(unsigned int size = 100);

// big three:
//big three functions:
Vector(const Vector& to_be_copied) //copy ctor: no return type
_how_many = 100;
_capacity= 100;
list =new int [_capacity+1];
Vector& operator=(const Vector& rhs) //assignment operator
const bool debug = true;
if (debug){
cout<<". . . . ["<list<<"].operator("<
if (this == &rhs){
return *this;
//member access functions:
const T operator [](const unsigned int index) const{//
assert(index < length());
return at(index);
T& operator [](const unsigned int index){
assert(index < length());
return at(index);
T& at(int index) //returns reference to item at position index
assert(index < length());
return list[index];
const T at(int index) const //returns a const item at position index
assert(index < length());
return list[index];
T& front() const //returns item at position 0.
* list-=_how_many-1;
return *list;
T& back() const //return item at the last position
* list+=_how_many;
return *list;
//Push and Pop functions:
Vector& operator +=(const T& item){} //push_back
void push_back(const T& item); //append to the end
T pop_back(); //remove last item and return it
//Insert and Erase:
void insert(int insert_here, const T& insert_this);//insert at pos
void erase(int erase_index);//erase item at position
int index_of(const T& item); //search for item. retur index.
//size and capacity:
void set_size(int size); //enlarge the vector to this size
void set(const int* old_list);
void set_capacity(int capacity); //allocate this space
int size() const {return _how_many;} //return _size
int capacity() const {return _capacity;} //return _capacity
bool empty() const; //return true if vector is empty
int check_error() const;
friend ostream& operator <<( ostream& outs, const Vector& _a );
void print_list(T* list, int size);

int _how_many;//size
int _capacity;//cap
int _error;//errors

int* list;

int vector_len(const int* list) const;
int length() const;//reutrns vectorlength function
void v_cpy(T* dest, const T* src) const;
#endif // VECTOR_H


#include "vector.h"
_error =0;
list = nullptr;
Vector::Vector(unsigned int _size){//defaultcotr
_size =100;
list = nullptr;
const bool debug = false;
if (debug){
cout<<". . . . Vector::~Vecotr being called."<
if (list!=nullptr)
delete[] list;
void Vector::push_back(const T& item){
//Insert and Erase:
void Vector::insert(int insert_here, const T& insert_this){}//inserts item from list
void Vector::erase(int erase_index){}// erease item from list
int Vector::index_of(const T& item){}//search array and return index
void Vector::set_size(int size){_how_many=size;}//returns size
void Vector::set_capacity(int capacity){_capacity= capacity;}

//returns length of list
int Vector::vector_len(const int* list) const{
const bool debug = false;
if (debug) cout<<". . . . Vector::vector_len ("<
int length = 0;
if (debug) cout<
return length;

int Vector::length() const{
return vector_len(list);
void Vector:: v_cpy(T* dest, const T* src) const{
while (src){
*dest++ = *src++;//destination pointer points to source pointer
*dest= NULL;
//dest -=many_to_copy;
//src -= many_to_copy;
delete [] src;//deletes src array
src = nullptr;
void Vector::set(const int* old_list){
if (list)
delete[] list;
int len = vector_len(old_list);
//this should be an allocate function.
list = new int [len+1];
v_cpy(list, old_list);

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