
In: Computer Science

explain and show how tid these . and plz provied all screenshot Perform the following on...

explain and show how tid these . and plz provied all screenshot
Perform the following on your Linux instance.

Make a directory named ${HOME}/courses/it340/module04 where ${HOME} is your regular user's home directory (i.e. NOT the root user). Inside of this ${HOME}/courses/it340/module04 directory perform the following.
Create a file named perms01 with permissions rwxrw-r--.
Create a file named perms02 with permissions rwxr-xr-x.
Create a file named perms03 with permissions r-xrw-rw-.
Create a file named perms04 with permissions rwsrw-r--.
Create a file named perms05 with permissions rwSrwsr--.
Create a file named perms06 with permissions r-xr-xr-T.
Attach a 1GB disk to your virtual machine and perform the following.
Partition this disk into two partitions.
One partition of size 256MB.
One partition of size 512MB.
Create a filesystem on each partition.
The 256MB partition should have an ext4 filesystem.
The 512MB partition should have an xfs filesystem.
Update /etc/fstab to mount the partitions persistently.
Add an entry to mount the 256MB partition to /mnt/small.
Add an entry to mount the 512MB partition to /mnt/large.
Mount the partitions immediately.
upload one or more screenshots showing the following.

The output of ls -l ${HOME}/courses/it340/module04.
The output of df -h.
The output of lsblk -f.
The output of cat /etc/fstab.
Once finished uploading the screenshots, be sure to completely remove the disk from your virtual machine. The "Managing Filesystems" video shows how to do that.


Expert Solution



Ans: -rwxrw-r--1 jsmith student 365 feb 22 15:31 lab1.c

This is the normal file named "lab1.c" owned by user jsmith and associated with the student group. This file is readable, writable, and executable by the owner, readable and writable by members in the student group, and only readable by all other users. Of course, there would be no point in actually trying to execute a.c file.

2. Create a file named perms02 with permissions rwxr-xr-x.

Ans: $ls - l

drwxr-xr-x 3 dd users 4096 Jun 8:01 pictures

The first ten characters in the format drwxrwxrwx, represents the permissions for all the three classes of users. Let's try to understand what each of these letters means. The first character, d, signifies that the file is a directory. This position can be blank (-) or any of the following characters.

c: character device

b: Block device

s: socket

p: pipe


l: Symbolic link etc.,

Then the next three characters(drwxr-xr-x) represent the permission that have been assigned to the owners of the file. The owner dd can read, write, and execute to the folder pictures.

Moving on to the next three characters (drwxr-xr-x) which is r-x, represents the group permission. The users from users group can access the file according to the group permissions, which specify they can read and execute in the directory but cannot write into it. The hyphen signifies that the permission is not granted.

The last three characters xr-x represents the permissions for other groups who are neither the owner nor a member of the group users and the permissions are set to read and execute only.

The 11th character is a number that represents the number of hard links for the files and is not related to permission for a file.The two columns next to this number(drwxr-xr-x) 3 add users represents the owner and group of the file.

To find the permission for a particular file or directory, specify the name of the file in the ls command like below.

$ ls -l filename

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