
In: Computer Science

Write a c++ program that does the following, read temperatures from a file name temp.txt into...

Write a c++ program that does the following,

read temperatures from a file name temp.txt into an array, and

after reading all the temperatures, output the following information: the average temperature, the minimum temperature, and the total number of temperatures read.

Thank you!


Expert Solution

Dear Student,

Below i have write the complete C++ program as per the requirement.

Please make sure you put the temp.txt file in the same directory where the program is



//Calculating averages

//Data in file: temp.txt

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>


using namespace std;

int main()


double T;

double sum = 0, Avg;

double temp_arr[100];

int count = 0;

//creating a ifstream object

ifstream infile;

//open file for reading"temp.txt");

//if file does not exist



cout<<"failed to open the file."<<endl;


//start reading the temp value in the file



temp_arr[count] = T;

//calculate sum

sum = sum + T;

//incremnt count



double min_temp = temp_arr[0];

for(int i =0; i<count; i++)


if(temp_arr[i] < min_temp)


min_temp = temp_arr[i];



//calculate Avg

Avg = double(sum)/count;

//display Avg temp, min, total temperatures

cout<<"The Avg of temperature is : "<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<Avg<<endl;

cout<<"Min temperature is: "<<min_temp<<endl;

cout<<"Total number of temperature read is : "<<count<<endl;


return 0;


//end of the main function


Sample Output:

==================================================================temp.txt file


Kindly Check and Verify Thanks...!!!

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