There have always been homeless people in US, as Economics
circumstance and demographic force,so have the size and volume of
the homeless popolation althrough compartively permanent skid rows
where homeless people congregate.
What couses homelessness in US:
- Poverty
- Un-employment and under employment
- Demestic violence
- Mental illnes and substance use
- Lack of affordable helth care
- Criminalization and law enforcement
- Ethnicity and race
Reason for difficult for poorer to gain access the housing:
- Lack of relative expansion in the safety net and the inability
of social service programme to keep pace with increasing
- Rising housing cost
- Affordable housing has became increasingly scare and beyond the
many people living in poverty.
- Build more permanent supportive housing are batting mental
problem or alcohol abuse.
- Add more affordable housing by federal low income housing tax
- Foster education connection.
- Build partnership
- Strengthen crisis response system.
Homeless result from a complex set of circumstance that require
people to choose between food,shelter and other basic needs,only a
concerted effort to ensure jobs that pay a living wage,and access
to health care will bring an end to homelessness.