
In: Computer Science

c++ Exercise 1: Make a struct “Fate” that contains the following variables: int month, int year,...


Exercise 1: Make a struct “Fate” that contains the following variables: int month, int year, int day. Make another struct Product that would contain the following variables: 1- Product name. 2- An array for the product ingredients. Set its max size to 3. 3- Product date of expiration. Use the date struct you made. Use those structs in entering the data for two products of your choice. Make a function printProduct(Product product) that prints out the contents of the struct as shown below:

Show your work to the TA and print the full details of two different products.

Exercise 2: Make a class Product that contains the variables in Exercise 1, add setter and getter methods to those variables and the method printProduct as well. Define your own constructor alongside the default constructor: Product(string name, Date date). Make sure to split your work into 3 separate files, as seen in the lab:  The header file (Product.h) for the function prototypes and the variables split into two categories (public, private).  The (Product.cpp) file that implements those functions.  The main .cpp file that uses that class to print out the details of two different products. Take the product details from cin. Construct two products: One using the default constructor with the setter methods, the second with your own constructor.


Expert Solution

Exercise 1:

C++ program that demonstrates the Product structure .Prompt
user to enter the product name, ingredients and expiration date .
Print the product details on console window.
//include header files
using namespace std;
//Fate structure
struct Fate
   int month;
   int year;
   int day;
//Product structure
struct Product
   char prodName[50];
   char ingredients[3][50];
   Fate expDate;
//function prototype
void printProduct(Product product);
/*start of main function*/
int main()
   /*Create a variable of Produdct structure*/
   Product product;

   cout<<"Enter product Name: ";
   //Read product name

   cout<<"Enter product ingredients[1]: ";
   //Read product ingredients

   cout<<"Enter product ingredients[2]: ";
   //Read product ingredients

   cout<<"Enter product ingredients[3]: ";
   //Read product ingredients

   //Read product expiration date
   cout<<"Enter expiration date: ";

   //call printProduct function

   return 0;

void printProduct(Product product)
   cout<<"Product Name: "<<
   cout<<"Product ingredients: "<<endl;
   cout<<"Expiration Date:";


Sample Output:


Exercise 2:

#ifndef PRODUCT_H
#define PRODUCT_H
using namespace std;
//Date structure
struct Date
   int month;
   int year;
   int day;
//Product class
class Product
   string name;
   Date date;

   Product(string name, Date date);
   void setName(string);
   void setDate(Date date);

   string getName();
   Date getDate();

   void printProduct();
#endif PRODUCT_H
//Implemenation file
#include "Product.h"
using namespace std;
//default constructor
//parameterized constructor
Product::Product(string name, Date date)
//setter methods
void Product::setName(string name)
void Product::setDate(Date date)
//Getter methods
string Product::getName()
   return name;
Date Product::getDate()
   return date;
//Method that print the product details
void Product::printProduct()
   cout<<"Product name: "<<name<<endl;
   cout<<"Date, DD/MM/YYYY : ";


#include "Product.h"
using namespace std;
int main()

   //Create an object of Product class
   Product p;

   cout<<"Default constructor"<<endl;

   //create Date structure variable
   //and set date values
   Date date;;

   //Set date and name of product,p

   cout<<"Parameterized constructor"<<endl;

   return 0;

Sample Output:

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