
In: Operations Management

Can you please explain to me what is happening in the line Update PRODUCT 11QER/31, P_QTYOH...

Can you please explain to me what is happening in the line

Update PRODUCT 11QER/31, P_QTYOH from 47 to 46

like why 47 to 46 and no other number?

in the code


Insert row 10983 into INVOICE



Insert row 10983, 1 into LINE

Unlock LINE


Update PRODUCT 11QER/31, P_QTYOH from 47 to 46



Update CUSTOMER 10010, CUS_BALANCE from 345.67 TO 464.47

Update CUSTOMER 10010, CUS_DATELSTPUR from 11-May-2016 to 03-June-2016



Expert Solution

Lock INVOICE : This is used to lock the table INVOICE.

Insert row 10983 into INVOICE : Here this command is used to insert the row(10983) into the table INVOICE.

Unlock INVOICE : This command is used toUnlock the table INVOICE.

Lock LINE : This command is used to lock the LINE.

Insert row 10983, 1 into LINE : This command is used to insert the row.

Unlock LINE : This command is used to Unlock th table LINE.

Lock PRODUCT : This command is used lock the table Product.

Update PRODUCT 11QER/31, P_QTYOH from 47 to 46 : This command is used to update the P_QTYOH value from 47 to 46.

Unlock PRODUCT : This command is used to unlock the table Product.

Lock CUSTOMER : This command is used to lock the table Customer.

Update CUSTOMER 10010, CUS_BALANCE from 345.67 TO 464.47 : This command is used to update the CUS_BALANCE value from 345.67 to 464.47.

Update CUSTOMER 10010, CUS_DATELSTPUR from 05-May-2016 to 11-May-2016 : This command is used to update the CUS_DATELSTPUR value from 05-May-2016 to 11-May-2016.

Unlock CUSTOMER : This command is used to Unlock the table Customer.

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