
In: Economics

- For buying influences in the growth mode, what positives (revenue, retention, brand awareness, etc) could...

- For buying influences in the growth mode, what positives (revenue, retention, brand awareness, etc) could help them to increase growth?

- For buying influences in the trouble mode, what negatives (cost, waste, risk, etc) could help them to decrease trouble?

- For buying influences in the even keel or overconfident mode, what strategies could you use to deploy to move them to either a growth or trouble mode?

- What are two RESULTS (for each of the BI’s)? How do these RESULTS relate these BIs’ specific business concerns? How do these results improve or fix a process of concern?

- How do each of these two BIs WIN if the product/service is able to deliver these RESULTS?


Expert Solution

- Buyers in Growth mode have the perception that by buying the product/service, they will be able to generate growth for their company. The buyer needs to be able to see potential growth. They are looking for incremental changes, but not radical proposals. They can be a positive candidate for the vendor. If the buying influences feel that revenue could increase, or they could get more brand awareness, or they could retain customers better, they would be willing to buy the product or service being offered.

- Buying influences in the trouble mode already have the perception that the business is failing and needs a change quickly. They are open to more radical solutions such as cost cutting, lowering the risk appetite and minimizing wastage of resources. Such negatives would likely help such buyers. Time is of the essence, the quickest solution wins.

-For buying influences in the even keel or overconfident mode, a few strategies could be used to deploy which moves them to either a growth or trouble mode

  • Buyer can see Growth or Trouble coming. Usually, better to stick with Growth than and avoid Trouble.
  • Can be pressured by another Buyer who is already in Growth or Trouble
  • Vendor can identify unseen potential / or some discrepancy that buyer hasn't seen.

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