In: Economics
What political party/movement is the best to have in a country and what is the worst? (advantages &disadvantages for each [with real life examples])
Ans. The main purpose of political parties is to join people who had similar points of view about the governemnt together. These groups work to participate in and influence the government by having its members elected to a government position. Parties must promote a broad set of core beliefs to reach their members as well as independent voters. Even those voters who choose to be affiliated with a certain party tend to choose candidates who hold a middle of the road view. For these reasons, parties tend to form their platform based on reaching those who hold a moderate viewpoint. This is beneficial to our country in many ways. Most important, it keep our government from taking on a extream point that the would apply only to a small portion of the population. Political parties have many different functions. Their main job is to hold true to a core set of beliefs. This enable voters to understand the basic beliefs of a canditate who is registered with one of the main parties. Political movements hold fundraisers, distribute literature, and encourage people to register to vote. Each parties helps to guide voters by advertising the party's belief on issues of importance in the election time. By maintaining broad set of beliefs, political parties help to keep our country from splitting into multiple parties. More competing groups would be determental to running the government efficiently. The two party system keeps power balnced in the government. Political parties are also responsible for keeping an eye on each other and on the activities of the government. Opposition parties spend much of the time presenting an opposing view to the party in power. This helps to keep citizens informed of both sides of an issue. After the independence of India Congress party ruled the nation with Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi as the Prime Ministers around fourty years, restructured India industrialy and revelutionisd the agricultural sector. The Communist party regim in China made the country one of the top developed countries in the world. These are some of the examples how political partyis the best to have in a country. In a public opinion survey by Transparency International[TI] to mark UN International Anti-corruption day, in 36 out of 62 countries sureyed, political parties were rated by the general public as the institution most effected by corruption. After plitical parties, the next corrupt institutions worlwide were parliaments followed by police and judiciary. In five countries surveyed [Cameroon, Kenya,LIthuania, Maldova and Nigeria], at least one in three people said that they or members of their household had paid a bribe in the past 12 months. In Western Europe, more than five out of 10 in France, Greece, Ireland and Italy felt that corruption had a large impact on political life in their country, according to the survey of TI. In five Latin American countries, above-averge percentage of respondents indicated that they felt corruption would increase a lot in the political sectors in coming years. Although there tends to be a negative view of political parties because they spend so much time arguing. It is time to use international cooperation to enforce a policy of zero tolerance on political corruption and to put an end to practices whereby politicians put themselves above the law-stealing from ordinary citizens and hiding behind parliamentary immunity" said TI Board member and president of TI cameroon. These are some of the examples of worst in political sector in the world.