
In: Computer Science

Write a Python program tat asks the user for the number of equations (n) to be...

Write a Python program tat asks the user for the number of equations (n) to be solved and fill the coefficient matrix A and the right matrix b with random integers. Limit the values of the elements of A to numbers between 0 and 50 and elements of b to 0 and 500. Lastly, put the matrices into an Excel file.


Expert Solution

Python 3 code

import random  #imported python inbuilt library for generation random numbers

import xlsxwriter #library for writing in excel file

n=int(input("Enter the number of equation: "))

#As we dont know the number of variables to be solved so we consider n equations with n different varibles

#So to solve n quations with n varible we use quation Ax=B where A is matrix of n*n and x is a varible matrix with n unknown varibles of n*1 an B is right matrix with solution variables of n*1.

#For generating matrix A with random variables between 0 to 50 of n*n

A=[[random.randint(0,50) for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] #using random function and for loops

x=[f'x{k}' for k in range(n)] #generation of variable matrix

B=[random.randint(0,500) for l in range(n)] #generation of right matrix B

# Workbook() takes one, non-optional, argument  

# which is the filename that we want to create.

workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(f'result{n}.xlsx')

# The workbook object is then used to add new  

# worksheet via the add_worksheet() method.

worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

# Start from the first cell. Rows and

# columns are zero indexed.

# Iterate over the data and write it out row by row.

for row in range(n):

    for col in range(n):

        worksheet.write(row, col, A[row][col])

for rowv in range(n):


for rowb in range(n):


# Finally, close the Excel file

# via the close() method.


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