In: Economics
Sonic Goes Mobile
Sonic Drive-In has recently reviewed information for a number
of surveys involving various types of product evaluations.
the surveys were completed online with customers recruited
from their proprietary panel. In addition to the actual
data and other information, the online interviewing system
captures the browser that the respondent used to complete
the survey. Analyzing the “browser used” data, Sonic has
observed a slow but steady increase in the number of indi-
viduals completing the survey on mobile browsers, including
tablets and smartphones. The most recent results show a big
jump in this percentage from a year ago, with an average of
nearly 30 percent of the more recent surveys completed on
mobile browsers.
Several managers have attempted completing some of these
surveys using their own tablets and smartphones. They like
idea that using these platforms increase the options for the
sumer and that these devices permit consumers to take the
veys at times and in places when and where they previously
not. However, their experiences in testing the surveys on
mobile devices have suggested that they may need to change
way they design questionnaires to accommodate smartphones
and tablets.
1. What are the impediments and difficulties associated with
completing surveys on mobile devices?
2. What changes does Sonic need to make in its survey designs
to take advantage of these new survey platforms?
3. What about mixing survey results taken on laptop comput-
ers and those taken on mobile devices? What cautions, if
any, would you have?
4. Might the inclusion of mobile devices, along with laptops
and desktops, improve the quality of the sample? Why do
you say that?
1.a.Completing the mobile survey sometimes are prolonged loading time are catastrophic and put the person in fatigue through the roof.
b. Unavailability of internet access or network issues are really amid the interest of the respondent.
c. Increasing number are Cumbersome Excercise for respondnats.
2. a. The survey must include fewer ended questionnaire should be specific and closed ended questions.
b. mobile adjusted effects: The survey must be colour contrast effecting and battery saving so the respondant must be comfortable and get interested in filling the Questionaire.
C. The queatinaire must be pre tested before sending to the Respondants.
3. In present there are other Advangeous softwares available for adpating the data from different modea used for data ollection Or survey.
a.In optimising question formats the surveyor must reduce the measurement error across modes and devices.
b. Self selection and measurement of mixed and mixed devices be checked
c. Use the modes according to the applicability.
d. Investigate the better suted app and sensors related to the questions to be asked.
4. Yes, the quality of the sample will be improved if the best suted mixed mode methods (apps and sensors) of survey are used with optimum precaustions and care.