
In: Computer Science

#include #include #include int main(void) { int feof(FILE *stdin); int i, num; int binary[10]; char input[10];...


int main(void) {

int feof(FILE *stdin);
int i, num;
int binary[10];
char input[10];

printf("Starting the CPSC 1011 Decimal to Binary Converter!\n");
while(1) {
   printf("\nPlease enter a positive whole number (or EOF to quit): ");
   scanf("%s", input); // user inputs value as a string for separate values
   if(strcmp(input,"")==0) {
       printf("\n\tThank you for using the CPSC 1011 Decimal to Binary Generator.\nGoodbye!\n\n");




if (num<=0) {
   printf("\n\tSorry, that was not a positive whole number.\n"); // default when num is not positive  

else {
   int temp = num;
   while (num>0) {
       binary[i] = num % 2; // stores remainder
       num = num / 2; //finds base
   printf("\n\t%d (base-10) is equivalent to ", temp);
   for(int j=i-1; j>=0; j--) {
       printf("%d", binary[j]); // prints out binary
printf(" (base-2)!\n");
ok so i can't use strcmp because it creates a sigpipe error and i was just wondering how i could implement EOF (crtl+d) to trigger that end output instead of the strcmp


Expert Solution

Deserve thumbs up :)

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {

int feof(FILE *stdin);
int i, num;
int binary[10];
char input[10];
int flag = 0;
printf("Starting the CPSC 1011 Decimal to Binary Converter!\n");
while(1) {
printf("\nPlease enter a positive whole number (or EOF to quit): ");
flag = scanf("%s", input); // user inputs value as a string for separate values
if(flag == EOF) {
printf("\n\tThank you for using the CPSC 1011 Decimal to Binary Generator.\nGoodbye!\n\n");




if (num<=0) {
printf("\n\tSorry, that was not a positive whole number.\n"); // default when num is not positive

else {
int temp = num;
while (num>0) {
binary[i] = num % 2; // stores remainder
num = num / 2; //finds base
printf("\n\t%d (base-10) is equivalent to ", temp);
for(int j=i-1; j>=0; j--) {
printf("%d", binary[j]); // prints out binary
printf(" (base-2)!\n");


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