
In: Operations Management

According to the Harvard Business Review, The 8 Types of Company Culture. Explain two factors in...

According to the Harvard Business Review, The 8 Types of Company Culture. Explain two factors in terms of cultural norms and two dimensions ( how people respond to change and how people interact). Use real life experiences!
Caring, Results, Purpose, Learning, Enjoyment, Authority, Safety, and Order are the 8 types. Explain


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Two dimensions of Culture
1. Power Distance Index (PDI)
This refers to the degree of difference that exists – and is accepted – between folks with and while not power.
A high PDI score indicates that a society accepts associate degree unequal, ranked distribution of power, which folks perceive "their place" within the system. an occasional PDI score implies that power is shared and is widespread, which society members don't settle for things wherever power is distributed unevenly.
2. Individualism Versus Collectivism (IDV)
This refers to the strength of the ties that folks ought to others inside their community.
A high IDV score indicates weak social association among people who don't seem to be a part of a core "family." Here, folks take less responsibility for others' actions and outcomes.
In a collectivist society, however, folks area unit presupposed to be loyal to the cluster that they belong, and, in exchange, the cluster can defend their interests. The cluster itself is often larger, and other people take responsibility for one another's eudaemonia

Learning: Tesla
“I’m curious about things that modification the globe or that have an effect on the longer term and wondrous new technology wherever you see it and you’re like ‘Wow, however, did that even happen?’”
—Elon Musk, co-founder, and CEO
Purpose: Whole Foods
“Most of nicest |the best} corporations in the world even have great purposes….Having a deeper, a lot of transcendent purposes is extremely energizing for all of the varied dependent stakeholders.”
—John Mackey, founder, and CEO
Caring: movie maker
“It is unbelievably vital to be open and accessible and treat folks fairly and appearance them within the eye and tell them what's on your mind.”
—Bob Iger, CEO
Order: SEC
“Rulemaking may be a key perform of the commission. And once we area unit setting the principles for the securities markets, there area unit several rules we have a tendency to, the SEC, should follow.”
—Jay Clayton, chairman
Safety: Lloyd’s of London
“To shield themselves, businesses ought to pay time to understand what specific threats they will be exposed to and speak to consultants United Nations agency will facilitate.”
—Inga Beale, CEO
Authority: Huawei
“We have a ‘wolf’ spirit in our company. within the battle with lions, wolves have alarming talents. With a robust want to win and no worry of losing, they persist with the goal firmly, creating the lions exhausted in each potential approach.”
—Ren Zhengfei, CEO
Results: GSK
“I’ve tried to stay the U.S.A. centered on an awfully clear strategy of modernizing ourselves.”
—Sir Andrew humorous, former CEO
Enjoyment: Zappos
“Have fun. the sport may be a ton a lot of gratifying once you’re making an attempt to try to quite create cash.”

Caring focuses on relationships and mutual trust. Work environments area unit heat, cooperative, and hospitable places wherever folks facilitate and support each other. staff area unit united by loyalty; leaders emphasize sincerity, teamwork, and positive relationships.
The purpose is exemplified by idealism and selflessness. Work environments area unit tolerant, compassionate places wherever folks try and benefit for the long way forward for the globe. staff area unit united by a spotlight on a property and world communities; leaders emphasize shared ideals and tributary to a bigger cause.
Learning is characterized by exploration, expansiveness, and creative thinking. Work environments area unit creative and broad-minded places wherever folks spark new concepts and explore alternatives. staff area unit united by curiosity; leaders emphasize innovation, knowledge, and journey.
Enjoyment is expressed through fun and excitement. Work environments area unit blithesome places wherever folks tend to try to what makes them happy. staff area unit united by playfulness and stimulation; leaders emphasize spontaneousness and a way of humor.
Results are characterized by accomplishment and winning. Work environments area unit outcome-oriented and merit-based places wherever folks aim to realize prime performance. staff area unit united by a drive for capability and success; leaders emphasize goal accomplishment.
Authority is outlined by strength, decisiveness, and boldness. Work environments area unit competitive places wherever folks attempt to achieve a personal advantage. staff area unit united by sturdy control; leaders emphasize confidence and dominance.
Safety is outlined by designing, caution, and preparation. Work environments area unit predictable places wherever folks area unit risk-conscious and suppose things through fastidiously. staff area unit united by a want to feel protected and anticipate change; leaders emphasize being realistic and designing ahead.
An order is concentrated on respect, structure, and shared norms. Work environments area unit organized places wherever folks tend to play by the principles and wish to suit in. staff area unit united by cooperation; leaders emphasize shared procedures and time-honored customs.
These eight designs work into our integrated culture framework in keeping with the degree to that they mirrorindependence or reciprocity (people interactions) and adaptability or stability (response to change). designs that area unit adjacent to the framework, like safety and order, oftentimes exist inside organizations and their folks. In distinction, designs that area unit settled across from one another, like safety and learning, area unit less possible to be found along and need a lot of structure energy to keep up at the same time. every vogue has benefits and downsides, and no vogue is inherently higher than another. associate degree structure culture is outlined by absolutely the and relative strengths of every of the eight and by the degree of worker agreement concerning that designs characterize the organization. a strong feature of this framework, that differentiates it from alternative models, is that it also can be accustomed outline individuals’ designs and also the values of leaders and staff.

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