
In: Computer Science

Write in java The submission utility will test your code against a different input than the...

Write in java

The submission utility will test your code against a different input than the sample given.

When you're finished, upload all of your .java files to Blackboard.


Each problem will be graded as follows:

0 pts: no submission

1 pts: submitted, but didn't compile

2 pts: compiled, but didn't produce the right output

5 pts: compiled and produced the right output

Problem 1: "Letter index"

Write a program that inputs a word and an unknown number of indices and prints the letters of the word corresponding to those indices. If the index is greater than the length of the word, you should break from your loop

Sample input:

apple 0 3 20


Sample output:



Problem 2: "Matching letters"

Write a program that compares two words to see if any of their letters appear at the same index. Assume the words are of equal length and both in lower case. For example, in the sample below, a and e appear in both words at the same index.

Sample input:

apple andre

Sample output



Problem 3: "Word count"

You are given a series of lowercase words separated by spaces and ending with a . , all one on line. You are also given, on the first line, a word to look up. You should print out how many times that word occured in the first line.

Sample input:


computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes .

Sample output:


Problem 4: "Treasure Chest"

The input to your program is a drawing of a bucket of jewels. Diamonds are represented as @, gold coins as $, rubies as *.   Your program should output the total value in the bucket, assuming diamonds go for $1000, gold coins for $500, and rubies for $300. Note that the bucket may be wider or higher than the bucket in the example below.

Sample input:

|@* @ |

| *@@*|

|* $* |

|$$$* |

| *$@*|


Sample output:


Problem 5: “Speed Camera”

Speed cameras are devices that monitor traffic and automatically issue tickets to cars going above the speed limit.   They work by comparing two pictures of a car at a known time interval. If the car has traveled more than a set distance in that time, the car is given a citation.

The input are two text representations of a traffic picture with a car labeled as letters “c” (the car is moving upwards. These two pictures are shot exactly 1 second apart. Each row is 1/50 of a mile. The car is fined $10 for each mile per hour over 30 mph, rounded down to the nearest mph. Print the fine amount.

Sample input:












Sample output:


Problem 6. Distance from the science building

According to Google Maps, the DMF science building is at GPS coordinate 41.985 latitude, -70.966 longitude. Write a program that will read somebody’s GPS coordinate and tell whether that coordinate is within one-and-a-half miles of the science building or not.

Sample input:



Sample output:


At our position, 1 1/2 miles is about .030 degrees longitude, but about .022 degrees latitude. That means that you should calculate it as an ellipse, with the east and west going from -70.936 to -70.996, and the north and south going from 41.963 to 42.007.

Hint: Use the built in Ellipse2D.Double class. Construct a Ellipse2D.Double object using the coordinates given, and then use its "contains" method.

Problem 7: "Palindrome Numbers"

A palindrome is a word that reads the same forwards and backwards, such as, for example, "racecar", "dad", and "I". A palindrome number is the same idea, but applied to digits of a number. For example 1, 121, 95159 would be considered palindrome numbers.

The input to your program are two integers start and end. The output: all of the palindrome numbers between start and end (inclusive), each on a new line.

Sample input:

8 37

Sample output:







1. Start by writing and testing a function that takes a number and returns true/false if the number is a palindrome. Then call that function in a for loop.

2. To see if a number is a palindrome, try turning it into a string. Then use charAt to compare the first and last digits, and so on.


Expert Solution

/* As per guidelines I am not required to answer all the question given. So I am answering as much as I can in the given time frame*/


import java.util.*;

class LetterIndex{

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

    String input=sc.nextLine();  // Takes string input


    String word=input.substring(0,input.indexOf(" "));  //Separates the word

    input=input.substring(input.indexOf(" ")+1);

    String indexes[]=input.split(" ");  // Seperates the Indexes into array

    for(int i=0;i<indexes.length;i++)


        int index=Integer.parseInt(indexes[i]);  // Converts them to integer

        if(index>=word.length()) // Checks index value if greater then breaks



        System.out.println(word.charAt(index)); // Else prints the character






import java.util.*;

class MatchingLetter{

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

        String input=sc.nextLine(); // Taking Input


        String words[]=input.split(" "); // Separating the words

        String word1,word2;

        // Storing the small word in word1 and large word in word2











        // Looping through the small word to find similar characters

        for(int i=0;i<word1.length();i++)









import java.util.*;

class WordCount{

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

        String word=sc.nextLine(); //Taking input word


        String sentence=sc.nextLine(); // Taking input sentence


        int count=0;

        String words[]=sentence.split(" "); // Spilitting the words in the sentece into the array

        for(int i=0;i<words.length;i++)


            if(words[i].equals(word)) // checking for equal word



        System.out.println(count); // Printing the count





import java.util.*;

class PalindromeNumbers{

    public static boolean isPal(int n)


        /* To check if a number is palindrome we could reverse the number and check it with the original number*/

        int copy=n; // Making copy

        int reverse=0; // To Store the reverse



            int r=n%10; // Extracting the last digit using modulo

            reverse=reverse*10+r; // Adding the digit to the end of the number

            n=n/10; // removing the last digit by dividing by 10


        return reverse==copy;


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;

        String input=sc.nextLine(); // Taking the input


        // Converting them to integers

        int begin=Integer.parseInt(input.substring(0,input.indexOf(' ')));

        int end=Integer.parseInt(input.substring(input.indexOf(' ')+1));        

        for(int i=begin;i<=end;i++)


            if(isPal(i)) // caliing the palindrome function

            System.out.println(i); // Printing if palindrome





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