
In: Economics

Economics vs Civics:The World Bank supported a project in Cairo to build a highway to rural...

Economics vs Civics:The World Bank supported a project in Cairo to build a highway to rural agricultural communities so that they would be able to sell their produce in the city. The smog from the highway is deleterious to the sphinx, resulting in protests. What are the issues – would you support the highway’s construction? Please explain using economic terms to justify your answer.


Expert Solution

The issue that surrounded the construction of the highway in Cairo that was to connect the rural agricultural communities to the city was that the project could help the rural farmers to supply their produce to the city while they are still fresh. However, the construction of the highway could result in smog that is deleterious to the sphinx, a world heritage site. So the dilemma, in this case, was whether to construct the highway and open up the rural interior areas to the city or preserve the sphinx.

Taking into perspective the significance of the construction of the highway and that of preserving the sphinx, one can support the construction, however, with some precautions.


The development of infrastructure is key to economic development. Construction of highways that connect cities to remote areas is one way a government can help to bring rural development. In the case of the construction of the highways in Egypt, it is pivotal to point out that the highway`s construction was to not only help the rural agricultural communities but also decongest the city. Decongesting the city could help to minimize pollution in Cairo since congestion is one factor that results in high levels of pollution. The construction of the highway could help many residents in Cairo to receive fresh produce from the rural areas and at the same time, it could see the local farmers benefit greatly. They can sell their products to a wider market outside their rural markets. Nevertheless, the construction of the highway should be done in a manner that results in a minimal effect on the sphinx. The section of the highway that threatens to cause a deleterious effect to the sphinx can be redesigned at an extra cost to mitigate the risk it poses to the sphinx..

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