In: Biology
Question 2: What are the pharmacological as well as the adverse effects of opioids? The mechanism of analgesic action?
answer) opioid is a chemical found in the palnt Papaver sominiferum also known as poppy or opium plant. Its mainly used as analgesic and majaorly works in two events which are reduction of pain threshold and emotional dettachment from pain. The opioid effects transcending analgesia include sedation, respiratory depression, constipation and a strong sense of euphoria.
adeverse effects: the adeverse effects are vomiting , dizziness, constipation, heachache, less acapcity to sustain pain, and the main is respiratory depressent effect.
the opioid receptors are coupled to the G protein as the receptor activates the amount of cAMP and other seconadry messanger reduces. opioids increases the influx of potassium causing the hyperpolarisation of target cell making them less responsive to the depolarisation and inhibit calcium influx due to this neurotransmitters release is decreased and the post synaptic activity also decreses. At spinal level, analgesic effect is produced by inhibiting the release of mediators of pain pathway like glutamate and NO it mainly works with the GABAnergic neurons and inhibit them.