
In: Civil Engineering

A wall footing is to support a 400 mm wide reinforced concrete wall with a dead...

  1. A wall footing is to support a 400 mm wide reinforced concrete wall with a dead load of 270 KN/m and a live load of 210 KN/m. The bottom of the footing is 1.50 m below the final grade. Assume the soil weighs 15.78 KN/m3 and the allowable soil pressure is 190 Kpa. Use 75 mm as concrete cover, fc’ is 28 Mpa, fy is 415 Mpa, and concrete weights 23.5 KN/m3. Compute the:
  1. Width and depth of footing
  2. Spacing of 20 mm diameter main bars and 12 mm diameter longitudinal temperature and shrinkage steel
  3. The development length required if bar location, coating, and size factors are all 1.0. Use normal weight concrete


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