In: Economics
Bicycle case : There is no externality in production . Consumption of bicycles causes generation of positive externality . This is because due to greenhouse gas emission reduction the benefit to society of using a bicycle exceed the benefits enjoyed by the individual consumers of the bicycle . There is a benefit to third party for an economic transaction or consumption . The marginal social benefit is higher than marginal pivate benefit , hence social optimum outcome is higher than market equilibrium outcome .
Car case : Here both production and consumption of car causes negative externality . This is because producing, buying and driving a car do generate greenhouse gas emissions . There is externality is production which means marginal social cost is higher than private marginal cost of production , if this externality is accounted for then supply of cars fall because socially optimum quantity produced is lower than market production . Same happens during consumption . Someone buying and using a car causes adverse effects on other by polluting environment , which is is negative externality in consumption , the private benefit is higher than social benefit from car consumption .