
In: Computer Science

JAVA programming language: For refrence: nextInt ( ) Scans the next token of the input as...

JAVA programming language:

For refrence:

nextInt ( )

Scans the next token of the input as an int.

How many times does the while loop execute, if the input is 38 20 4 0?

Assume a Scanner object scnr has been instantiated, and that the tokens in the input are delimited by the space character. That means there are 4 tokens in the input.

int num = 2000;

while (num >= 20) {

//Do something

num = scnr.nextInt();


select one:

a. 2

b. 1




Expert Solution


Correct answer is "(d) 3 "

Loop starts with 2000,

In the loop next assigned value for number is 38, from the given input and 38>=20 (meets condition)

In next iteration 20 will be assigned to num and that value also satisfies the condition.20>=20

In next iteration num will be 4 which breaks the loop condition because (4 >=20 is false) and breaks, so the loop repeats 3 times before exiting.

You can refer to the code below .

----------------PLEASE RATE THE ANSWER-----------THANK YOU!!!!!!!!----------

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