
In: Math

I need a regression analysis done on the following numbers. IC Price Income Temp Lag-temp 0.386...

I need a regression analysis done on the following numbers.

IC Price Income Temp Lag-temp
0.386 0.27 78 41 56
0.374 0.282 79 56 63
0.393 0.277 81 63 68
0.425 0.28 80 68 69
0.406 0.272 76 69 65
0.344 0.262 78 65 61
0.327 0.275 82 61 47
0.288 0.267 79 47 32
0.269 0.265 76 32 24
0.256 0.277 79 24 28
0.286 0.282 82 28 26
0.298 0.27 85 26 32
0.329 0.272 86 32 40
0.318 0.287 83 40 55
0.381 0.277 84 55 63
0.381 0.287 82 63 72
0.47 0.28 80 72 72
0.443 0.277 78 72 67
0.386 0.277 84 67 60
0.342 0.277 86 60 44
0.319 0.292 85 44 40
0.307 0.287 87 40 32
0.284 0.277 94 32 27
0.326 0.285 92 27 28
0.309 0.282 95 28 33
0.359 0.265 96 33 41
0.376 0.265 94 41 52
0.416 0.265 96 52 64
0.437 0.268 91 64 71


Expert Solution


The dependent variable is temperature. The independent variables are ic, price, income, and lag temperature.

The regression equation is given by: temp = 40.63+ 73.079*IC + 22.57*Price - 0.6156*Income + 0.56*lag-Temp

there is 78% variation in the temperature which is explained by all independent variables in the model namely ic, price, income, and lag temperature.

The null hypothesis, the model is not significant. Versus the alternative hypothesis, the model is significant. With (F=22.1259, P<5%), the null hypothesis is rejected at 5% level of significance and I can conclude that the model is significant.

hoi: betai = 0. beta_i is not significant. Versus the alternative hypothesis, betai =/= 0. beta_i is significant. With p<5%, I reject the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance and conclude that the coefficient of income and lag temperature is significant. With p>5%, I fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the coefficient of ic and price is not significant.

with one unit increase in IC, the value of temperature is increased by 73 degrees. With $1 increase in price, the value of temperature is increased by 22.57 degrees. but this value is not significant at 5% level of significance.

With $1 increase in income, the value of temperature is decreased by . 1 degree. With one degree increase in the lag temperature, II is the value of temperature is increased by 0.56 degree. this value is significant at 5% level of significance.


data -> data analysis -> regression


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