- GDP is the final production value of goods and services in an
economy over a given within the domestic boundary of a country
- It includes only final value of goods and services
- By expenditure method it is the sum of consumption, investment,
government spending and net export
- where net export is the difference of export and import
- As it is already described that GDP only includes final
goods and services but here in the delta the existing
airplane is sold so it will not be counted in GDP
- Incase of California that produces bottles of
Chardonnay but sales in Canada so it will be counted under
GDP because here California export the bottle to Canada
- when American buys bottle of French perfume then it will come
under the GDP because the perfume will come under the import
- when a college student buys pizza for dinner then it will come
under the consumption and it will be counted under GDP as well
Answer - 2nd,3rd and 4th are included in
1st- not included