
In: Economics

Discuss the role of technology on the future of capitalism in (Schumpeter, Veblen and Marx).

Discuss the role of technology on the future of capitalism in (Schumpeter, Veblen and Marx).


Expert Solution

                                          Joseph Schumpeter's affinities with Thorstein Veblen with respect to technological change and determinism, the future of capitalism, individualism and institutions. From a methodological point of view, a common point in their analysis is their anti-teleological view regarding economics as a discipline. Also, in the Schumpeterian system, technology is the cornerstone of economic evolution and appears as the making of new combinations. In the Veblenian theoretical framework, the bearer of change is to be found, inter alia, in technology, just like in Schumpeter's works, although not without differences. They also share the opinion that technology revolutionises capitalism and has serious implications for its future as a system. Furthermore, regarding individualism, in his work Schumpeter stresses the importance of the social milieu on individual action, a fact which bears strong resemblance to the Veblenian notion of evolution as ‘depersonalized evolution’. In this sense, Schumpeter is very close to Veblen, although Schumpeter's approach could be classified in what is called institutionalist individualism, whereas Veblen could be classified as holist. Undoubtedly, the role of institutions is of great importance in both Schumpeter and Veblen. Ιnstitutions in the Schumpeterian schema play a central role closely related to the future of capitalism. Institutional and non-institutional factors enter into complex forms of interaction just like in Veblen's approach. There, institutions are part of the social milieu and their underlying framework, much wider than mere economic and social. Of course, the theoretical analyses of Schumpeter and Veblen are not devoid of differences springing mainly from their methodological approach such as the role of the individual in the capitalist process which is probably the most significant difference regarding the importance attributed to it in Schumpeter's early works. Also, the way technical change appears constitutes another difference. However, his views are quite close to Veblen's. After all, Schumpeter began to write in a social, political, theoretical and ideological environment at a time when evolutionary ideas dominated social thought.

                                 In 1867, Karl Marx predicted in Capital: Critique of Political Economy that unavoidable class struggles between the working class and the ruling class would increase to the point of undermining the capitalist system itself. The working class would become alienated and exploited, as they would become totally dependent for their livelihood on access to the means of production owned and controlled by capitalists. He prophesised that the capitalists would impoverish the proletariat until they had “nothing to lose but their chains,” which eventually would lead to revolution and the very end of capitalism. While he famously predicted that these revolutions would happen in countries with the most industrially advanced economies, communist revolutions succeeded in the least advanced and poorest ones, such as Russia and China.

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