The following three independent sets of facts relate
to (1) the possible accrual or (2) the possible disclosure by other
means of a loss contingency.
Situation I
A company offers a 1-year assurance-type warranty for
the product that it manufactures. A history of warranty claims has
been compiled and the probable amount of claims related to sales
for a given period can be determined.
Situation II
Subsequent to the date of a set of financial
statements, but prior to the...
The following three independent sets of facts relate
to (1) the possible accrual or (2) the possible disclosure by other
means of a loss contingency.
Situation I
A company offers a 1-year assurance-type warranty for
the product that it manufactures. A history of warranty claims has
been compiled and the probable amount of claims related to sales
for a given period can be determined.
Situation II
Subsequent to the date of a set of financial
statements, but prior to the...
The following three independent sets of facts relate
to (1) the possible accrual or (2) the possible disclosure by other
means of a loss contingency.
Situation I
A company offers a 1-year assurance-type warranty for
the product that it manufactures. A history of warranty claims has
been compiled and the probable amount of claims related to sales
for a given period can be determined.
Situation II
Subsequent to the date of a set of financial
statements, but prior to the...
Say as much as possible about each of the following system’s
solution set (recall that there are 3 possible solution set sizes
to linear systems. Can you use process of elimination to rule some
out?) State the theorems you use to reach your conclusions.
(a) A consistent system of 5 equations in 8 variables.
(b) A system with 11 equations in 12 variables.
(c) A system with 16 equations and 13 variables. The reduced
row-echelon form of the augmented matrix...
1. (14) List the elements for each of the following sets:
(1) P({a, b, c}) (Note: P refers to power set)
(2) P{a, b}) - P({a, c})
(3) P(Æ)
(4) {x Î ℕ: (x £ 7 Ù x ³ 7} (Note: ℕ is the set of nonnegative integers)
(5) {x Î ℕ: $y Î ℕ (y < 10 Ù (y + 2 = x))}
(6) {x Î ℕ: $y Î ℕ ($z Î ℕ ((x = y +...
Answer the following questions as briefly (but completely) as
How do you simplify the max method in the following, using the
conditional operator?
1: /** Return the max of two numbers */
2: public static int max ( int num1, int num2 ) {
3: int result;
5: if ( num1 > num2 )
6: result = num1;
7: else
8: result = num2;
9: return result;
10: }
Write method headers (just the declaration, not the...
For each of the following sets, prove that thay are convex sets
or not. Also graph the sets.
a) ? 1= {(?1 , ?2 ): ?1 ^2 + ?2^2 ≥ 1}
b)?2 = {(?1 ,?2 ): ?1 ^2 + ?2^ 2 = 1}
c)?3 = {(?1 , ?2 ): ?1 ^2 + ?2 ^2 ≥ 1}
Let A and B be sets. Prove the following please show in as much
detail as possible
i. A ⊆ B is and only if A U B = B
ii. A ⊆ B is and only if A ∩ B = A
iii. A ⊆ B is and only if A \ B = empty set
11‐10 Reporting Contingencies
The following three independent sets of facts relate to (1) the
possible accrual or (2) the possible disclosure by other means of a
loss contingency.
Situation 1
A company offers a one‐way warranty for the product that it
manufactures. A history of warranty claims has been compiled, and
the probable amount of claims related to sales for a given period
can be determined.
Situation 2
Following the date of a set of financial statements, but before