In: Biology
Given that patterns of inheritance can be much more complex than the single-locus, two-allele systems initially described by Mendel, why is it true that we still recognise Mendel's discoveries as "laws"? In your answer, explain how the complexities we covered throughout our review of inheritance relate to Mendel's findings.
The modern understanding of present day generations and the wide study performed by various scientists of how traits may be inherited through generations comes from the simple principles proposed by Gregor Mendel in 1865. Although Mendel discovered the principles of inheritance by studying on common pea plant or Pisum sativum,and not on humans,the basic and foundation of inheritance was set by him. Mendel’s principles were based on statistical data developed by him and they were so practical that these principles were used by clinicians in studying human diseases like alkaptonuria
Today, after extreme research in this field we all know that inheritance is far more complex than what Mendel saw in his pea plants.
According to Mendel parents contribute equal numbers of factors to their offspring. A study on DNA with modern day equipments has proven this principle as absolutely correct and also has helped scientists discover the features of DNA present in mitochondria which do act little differently , that is , they are inherited only from the female parent by the offspring.
The environment may have the potential to trigger molecular changes that pass from generation to generation.
Mendel’s use of mathematics in the prediction of how factors passed from parents control the appearance of a pea, has triggered scientists to funther consider environmental factors which can also alter the activity of these factors. New research in a tiny worm called C. elegans,suggests that it is possible for environmental stress to trigger small RNA molecules causing reduction in the activity of certain specific genes.
Mendel’s study was simple which associated a trait with a single gene but the present day complex study has identified that there are some traits which can be controlled by a cluster of genes working in concert. Also there are genes which are present so close to each other in a chromosome that they get passed on together . However without the finding of one gene expression it would have been impossible to study the functions of many genes functioning together. Mendel’s groundbreaking observations has helped researchers to expand the genetic toolkit greatly.